Right folks – I have done a few of these “random rants” before and yes I try to keep Don’t Stop Living as a very happy (non angry) blog, BUT sometimes I feel the need to get things off my chest. Have you ever heard the stupid (yes, stupid) phrase “I wish I could travel like you but I can’t”? Well I’ve heard it and I’ve heard it so many times it annoys me, my response is always the same – YOU CAN. There is no “can’t”. (within reason as detailed at the bottom…this is aimed at those people who “can” but think they “can’t”)
The truth is if you come from a “westernised society” (I’m talking about countries like England, Northern Ireland, Germany, Australia, Canada etc.) then your passport is excellent for travelling. You can get easy access to most countries, you can work in a lot of them (Working Holiday in Australia anyone?) AND you are from a wealthy country in world terms so you can EASILY get a job, save money, leave your home town and see the world. End of. What is stopping you?? What is stopping you??
I get e-mails and messages from wannabe travellers a lot and 95% of the time I LOVE them and normally respond with a very positive message and get enthusiastic that I’m helping fellow travellers out. In fact I love it!! I buzz of it and keep them coming please!! But it’s the other 5% that grills me. Those who in my mind don’t really want to travel. If you send me a message on Facebook from an iPhone telling me “I wish I could travel like you but I can’t” are you being serious??? Seriously just give up if you can’t see the problem! Sell your phone for a start and that’s your flight sorted. Get off the plane and get a job. It really is that EASY! Honestly. You just need a bit of “get up and go”, the right attitude. Think outside the box. Anyone (again within reason) can travel the world.
This is a rant but I also want to tell you all that if you really want to live in another country or get out and see the world then YOU CAN. This is your life – you are in control here. Get that flight booked and head off on your journey. You will love it.
In fact if you are really not sure you can survive and you want a recommendation, I’d suggest buying Wandering Earl’s e-Book on “How to Live A Life of Constant Travel” – he outlines how easy it is and how anyone can do it. He got in before I did with that idea for his book and it’s well worth reading. Earl is the same type of guy as me – he saw the big wide world and wanted more. So he did something about it.
But in short it’s up to you. All you really need is to be hard working, confident and enthusiastic. That’s it. If you start off with a negative attitude then you’re part of the “I wish I could travel like you but I can’t” gang, and that gang is destined to always stay at home, I’m afraid. Do yourself a favour and book a one way flight to Belarus (or somewhere equally obscure) and see where life takes you. It will be the best thing you ever do. Believe me – “it’s a world of laughter, a world of tears, it’s a world of hopes and a world of fears, there’s so much that we share that it’s time we’re aware it’s a small world after all.”

There is no “I wish I could but I can’t” – You CAN! This is me nonchalantly clocking up country number 70 last month on route to Brunei Darussalam.
Take some inspiration out of this please – if you want to travel the world you CAN. There are no obstacles at all. There are loads of bloggers and travellers out here in the big world who travel with their kids, sell their flats, cancel their mortgages, quit their jobs and just take off into the big world. Yes, you can even do it if you have kids. You CAN. Lots of people do The Nomadic Family
So what are you waiting for – get that flight booked – you just need to make the first step. That’s all. The first step. Random rant over. Good luck and safe travels my friends…
“We live in a beautiful world” – Coldplay
Footnote – Finally let me say that if you come from a country such as North Korea, or a country which finds it difficult to get out of and get visas for other countries then I understand your pain and I agree that you have a right to use the “I wish I could travel like you but I can’t” statement. The same applies for people with learning disabilities and handicaps. You’re not in this debate, in fact you can laugh at those who are fit and healthy and say they can’t travel – you know they can and so do I…
Unfortunately, living a life of travel like yours (ours) is still not really considered socially acceptable, and I think this is a big part of why people believe they can’t do it. Also, I think a lot of people just like dreaming about it (and they often happen to bitch about it to others!) but wouldn’t actually like the reality of living like this. They may well be happy with their iPhones and cars and mortgages. But yes, I find it annoying too. It’s all about choices, in the end. Decide what’s important for you, and go after it.
I agree with what your saying Sam, but it’s just the lazy “can’t do” attitude that some people have that is a bit defeatist in my opinion. If you come from Australia or England (for example) the fact is you CAN travel the world. Easily. You just need to give up luxuries, work hard and don’t become a “stuck up twat” who refuses to wear a pair of jeans because they don’t look cool or have a slight rip in them! Most of my friends in life are the down to earth, easy going people who work hard. I don’t have much time for slackers or dreamers. Stop slacking, stop dreaming. If you want to see the world you CAN. But like you say we are all individuals and we have choices. I know I made the right choice to leave Northern Ireland ten years ago. But I don’t need an iPhone, a car or a mortgage just yet. I’m happy with my window of the world. Jonny
Jonny, love your rants and this one is valid.
Audrey, That Backpacker, showed her micro apartment in S Korea. Warren and Betsy Talbot of Married with Luggage, wrote an entire book (Dream, Save, Do) on all they gave up and HOW they did it. Mark Wiens of Migrationology, has created video to demonstrate how he washes clothes in a bucket in order to economize. Heck, even YOU work between jaunts.
I believe people see the destinations but not many pay attention to what happens behind the scenes in order to make it a reality. There will always be those who wish upon stars rather than take the steps to make a change that will bring them closer to their dreams.
*shrug* *hug*
Maria recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Solitude
Indeed Maria – all it takes is that first step. It wasn’t that hard. I left Rosslare, Ireland on a boat to Wales in 2003 just to try a new lifestyle, and never returned to my homeland of Northern Ireland as a resident. Can’t quite believe it. From a vintage hostel in smoky China…Jonny
Hey Jonny,
I left Ireland in 2009 with -$14,000.. 4 years later, still traveling… I have friends who landed to Australia with $50, slept on my couch, picked up labouring work, 2 months later they were banking $1000+…
Moved to Spain twice with very little money, both times landed a job within two days.
You will never know if it is going to work unless you set off and travel. Worst case scenario, you are back where you started with a maxed out credit card and some good stories!
Adam – Tropical Nomad recently posted…Big Buddha Phuket
Too true Adam and amazing story. When I landed in Australia in 2009 I had less than $200 to my name, got a job within a week and was sorted! Making the first step is the main thing to do and if youre a hard worker or an “irish grafter” then youll be fine. Must be something in the air back home that makes us want to work hard to know we’ve earned our Guinness!! A pint always tastes better after a hard shift on a farm/bar or in your case construction site! Look forward to meeting someday! Safe travels. Jonny