Should You Use A Paid Academic Help Service?

Academic help services are not new to the modern education system, but they have only recently begun to explode across the internet. Whether it is due to students having less time overall or simply not being in the right state of mind to commit to so much work, it is hard to deny their impact.

Should You Use A Paid Academic Help Service?

But what is an academic help service, and is it something you should be using?

What is an Academic Help Service?

In simple terms, an academic help service is a company that will do your homework for you. That may seem like a bold statement and perhaps an inaccurate one, depending on the project, but the general intent is still the same.

When you work with an academic help service, you are handing off (or outsourcing) your work to a third party that can do it for you. This could be anything from simple homework assignments to course-long study projects, depending on your situation and what that service offers.

While this might sound like something that you would only use until the end of high school at the latest, it exists even for the highest tiers of education. Many overburdened students turn to these for at least partial assistance, either because of limited time or just to simplify things for themselves.

Graduation from Bournemouth University (2008)

Graduation from Bournemouth University (2008)

Are these companies trustworthy?

It is a complicated question. The first thing to realize is that academic help services are, generally speaking, completely legal. It may feel like you are cheating when you let someone else do your homework, but if it is something that has been contracted and paid for, you are in the clear.

That being said, the moral gray area is definitely a large one. Using a service that avoids plagiarism and has actual experts handling your work is usually the safer option, although there is still the fact that you are “cheating.”

Like any company with any kind of service, it is best to look for one that is legitimate, reputable and has a good customer base. Check the website, read reviews, and ask friends if they have ever used anything like it before. 

Do these companies make a difference?

Paying somebody to do your work for you does not mean that you do not have to do anything. You are still responsible for the majority of your own learning, after all, but having the option of handing off both smaller tasks or larger projects can free up more of your own time.

This can be useful in a range of situations, especially if you find yourself needing to juggle other responsibilities or you simply do not have the time to complete everything. As long as you are still learning enough to pass the entire course, there is not necessarily any harm in doing this.

The real problem comes from your own morals and whether or not you are comfortable using a paid academic help service that will let you “cheat” on tests, essays, and exams. Whether or not you choose to use or a similar service is entirely up to you, so think things over before you make a decision one way or the other.


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