Taiwan on Reflection – New Photos *

Looking back on my initial trip away from the UK where I toured round Taiwan, it is one of the nicest countries I have ever visited. And the memories will linger long. Some new photos here courtesy of my Taiwanese friend Eva Jun. Each photo can be an Oasis song actually…TURN UP THE SUN.

What’s more is in Australia I ended up working with loads of Taiwanese people – as they are all entitled to a working holiday visa here (whereas China is not!). FLASHBAX.

Tropic of Capricorn marker point, Tripping up the sublime East Coast. ALL AROUND THE WORLD.

International ten pin bowling in Shinying. I BELIEVE IN ALL.

Tainan night market – Eva, Jonny, Natalja. D’YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?

Sleeping – a tiring few bus journeys up the East Coast. SLIDE AWAY.

Gorgeous views all the way up the East Coast. GOING NOWHERE.

Boarding a bus at Taidong. WHATEVER.

Crazy Man Night Bar in Kaohsiung. PART OF THE QUEUE.

Talking to a 70 year old Taiwanese lady on a bus at Shiitiping. FALLING DOWN.

The hostel at Taroko. LET’S ALL MAKE BELIEVE.

My favourite fruit Dragon Fruit, at Kaohsiung Night Market (often called “Night Monkeys” by Taiwanese folk). COLOUR MY LIFE.

More up the East Coast. CAST NO SHADOW.

On a train near Hualien. STAY YOUNG.

In the misty mountains at Tailuga. THE HINDU TIMES.

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