Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania 🇷🇴

“I loved her enough to forget myself” – Truman Capote.

So the story goes that I had Breakfast At Tiffany’s, and this ain’t no love story, though weirdly it could and should be. Actually, probably it is. The books will get that; the blogs won’t. There’s too much magical mystery at play here on these wacaday soul searching journeys. Who on earth ends up having Breakfast At Tiffany’s in Timisoara?

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania 🇷🇴

Backstory – Breakfast At Tiffany’s In Timisoara, 2024

I’m sure I’ll be putting my novel and poetry writing next priority once all this backpacking melarkey is done and dusted. I’ve been to 227 countries now and realistically I only recognise about 250 – 260 so not long to go. However, here in March 2024, whatever hands of fate dealt me, I ended up in Timisoara. I wasn’t even meant to backpack this city on my recent jaunt to Romania. It happened by total chance and fluke and I have already penned that adventure as a future book chapter. It’s better than the blog. Anyway, I ended up in the city of Timisoara in March 2024. Naturally, I go backpacking as soon as I arrive. But I am here in the morning. Church bells are not enough. I need coffee and breakfast.

“Be anything but a coward” – Truman Capote.

Thirsty Thursdays: Backpacking in Timisoara, Romania

After a short walk from the train station to the old town, I’m backpacking the sights, when out shoots the below cafe with a huge WOW!

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania

It is called Tiffany’s and looks amazing. I’m straight in!

“and I said what about Breakfast At Tiffany’s?” – Deep Blue Something.

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Movie

The movie was adapted and based on the book (more to come on that) by Truman Capote. It came out in 1961. It’s a classic. Audrey Hepburn still looks delicious as she charms her way through the movie. There’s something about her. I couldn’t really resist and I met a few Holly Golightlys on my trips, without apology, including Kasia Lyciuk, Noemi Linzenbold, Lauren Dunford and MSL. Yeah the long lasting MSL.

Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany’s, NYC

Modern Memes even make jokes of the wildness of this movie…

The Meme of A Lie

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Song

Back in 1996, a rock band called “Deep Blue Something” (the ocen perhaps) wrote, recorded and released a song called “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”. Here’s the video for it…

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Actual Cafe in NYC 🇺🇸

Well it’s just too mainstream for me. Sure as I’m hell I’m not writing about that even though I did have a wild night on the rip in New York City in 2007, and later met the famous Nomadic Matt there in 2014. Move over, NYC🇺🇸, I’m Romania loyal. It’s actually The Blue Box Cafe which is the real Breakfast At Tiffany’s, and I have unbeen.

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Actual Cafe in NYC 🇺🇸

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Actual Cafe in Timisoara, Romania🇷🇴

So as soon as I have spied Tiffany’s I am straight in for coffee. I order up a cappuccino and a croissant. Those who have backpacked with me before will know I am not a big eater, or a food geek and I hate to waste food. A coffee and a croissant fills me up. So this is exactly my own Breakfast At Tiffany’s.

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania

It’s an excellent wee cafe and the guy working here is cool. We have a short chat and they have Wi-Fi here so I get some blogging done and actually manage to book my onward trains and buses from here, online, At Tiffany’s. It’s a cosy and cool cafe.

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania

As I finish my coffee and croissant and head out to explore the city, I had no intention of blogging about it, or even putting it on my Instagram or Instastory as I drink coffee and eat breakfast 90% of days, so it’s boring and too much to always do it. I didn’t dwell on my Breakfast At Tiffany’s despite loving this place. Something deeper was brewing and this was all in the hands of fate. Remember though, writer Truman Capote is somewhat a genius and these lines should be considered as very very true and relevant. That girl, the MSL was a wild thing. I made a mistake in loving her.

“Never love a wild thing” – Truman Capote.

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania

As I left behind my memories of Breakfast At Tiffany’s, I headed on my merry way and I actually enjoyed Timisoara. You’re anonymous here. I was un-noticed and I loved that. It was calm. I toured a few of the city’s bars (Aethernativ and Cuib d’Arte) and loved them – I did some writing here. I dined out in the trendy Bohemia and Tiffany’s had started it all that day. It was the barista in Tiffany’s that told me about Bohemia.

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania

And then, I left Romania for Africa, ended up backpacking through Cameroon, Gabon and Sao Tome E Principe all the way to the exact centre of the world! I stood on the equator at 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude on Ilheu Das Rolas!

Standing in the exact centre of the world at Ilheu Das Rolas

Standing in the exact centre of the world at Ilheu Das Rolas

And then after Africa came to a close, there was a massive forwardstory about…”Breakfast At Tiffany’s”…wow was coming back to me.

Forwardstory – Breakfast At Tiffany’s In Nice, 2016

Two weeks after I actually had “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” in Timisoara, Romania in 2024, I find myself in an airport in the romantic city of Nice in France. I had been to Nice before of course, back in 2016. I was in love with a girl you see, and she liked the movie “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” too, and in Nice we were thinking of each other in June 2016. That love filtered out because of her, not because of me. She didn’t want me, so she set about a spate of lies, plunging me into depression, from July 2016 onwards. Since then, I have released 10 books and written about 3 more. The sun always shines on the righteous remember. Also of course, Breakfast At Tiffany’s was first a book so my writing could shock the living daylights of this wannabe Bond girl…that girl is now reduced to merely a purple oval. We had “Dinner At Kubicki” because she wouldn’t have deserved “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”. Oops…

The Purple Oval Girl…

“I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey” – Seal.

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Book

Truman Capote was an American writer born on September 30, 1924. He would be about 100 years old now. His non-fiction stories, novels and plays are recognized literary classics. Not only did he pen “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, but also “In Cold Blood”, a brace which he labelled as “non-fiction novels”; of course, they brought him much fame. Capote’s novels, stories and screenplays have also been made into films and TV dramas. He passed away in 1984 at the age of 59.

“Everybody has to feel superior to somebody” – Truman Capote.

Thirsty Thursdays: Actually Having Breakfast At Tiffany’s, in Timisoara, Romania 🇷🇴

And then, like some kind of magical dream fantasy I am back again in Nice international airport in France, two weeks after having Breakfast At Tiffany’s in Timisoara. I already had a decent bottle of French white wine on the flight. As I wait to find out the gate of my next flight, I find a bar with a view over the runway to watch the planes, and the world go by. There’s an empty seat by the window. That will be the one for me. I often do that. Writers write, dreamers write, writer dream and dreamers dream. I’m happy doing all 4.

There was an empty seat with a view of the runway

Breakfast At Tiffany’s – The Chat

I sit down next to a rather elegant and clever looking lady. She is on my right, the bar further right and inward. I always like that option. There should be something interesting between me and the bar. Otherwise, I’ll just stay at the bar and that’s the sign of a boring alcoholic. Then as I plump my forest green backpack upon a seat and go to sit, I noticed to my astonishment she has the actual book “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” just sitting there!! What?? The actual book!! I need to double take. This is wild. She also has a green hat. It doesn’t take long for me to introduce myself to this lady, given the double coincidences. I’m was wearing a green hat for almost the entire Africa away trip. Oddly though, now I wasn’t wearing it.

“Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you” – Alanis Morissette.

My green hat and I backpacking in Africa

“If I do feel guilty, I guess it’s because I let him go on dreaming” – Truman Capote.

This is Akshata Agarwal, a lady whose Instagram is thewinediariesandwanderlust. Akshata Agarwal is a charming lady. This is instant knowledge, as if the book and hat weren’t enough convincing. We connect and chat and of course, we are “airport tourists”, we are on different flights. We just happen to meet in the airport. But these coincidences are uncanny. In these moments, I know there is something stronger than humanity. It’s up to you to decide on that. There is something spiritual and stronger at play here. My belief in God has got stronger the more I’ve aged. These are the little moments we are given to prove that life is good. I chat Akshata and tell her my story that two weeks ago I was actually having “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, okay not “THE” Breakfast At Tiffany’s in New York, but the one in Timisoara in Romania. Then I discover she actually bought the book in the world’s most famous bookshop!! She was at Shakespeare And Company in Paris! I didn’t actually tell her I have been to Paris 9 times (including twice in 2023) and not yet even been outside that bookshop. I guess I’m saving it for a day I go to Paris with that as my ONLY reason to backpack through Paris. I also forgot to tell her about my 22.02.22 at 22:22. You see at 22:22 (p.m.) on 22nd February 2022, I finally finished watching a Shakespeare in Shakespeare Town. The play started at 19:15 and ended at exactly 22:22. That was a fluke, it was not planned for that date and time. Again, it was in the hands of Gods.

This a Pub Crawl in Shakespeare’s Town on 22.02.2022

“We can’t keep a hold on time; just receive what it will bring” – Tim Wheeler.

And here, the green hat wine wandering lass bought Breakfast At Tiffany’s in The Shakespeare Company and we meet in Nice, 8 years after my jinx of a love lost over nothing. You see again, Much Ado About Nothing. That’s a Shakespeare one.

Akshata Agarwal and Jonny Blair meet in Nice but we did not actually have Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Soon, thewinediaries have moved on to find their flight. I order my own wine diary and it’s my last call coming soon as I’m off to Warszawa and my African adventure of March to April 2024 has curtain fallen. Not without drama.

She said what about Breakfast At Tiffany’s

“His Taints And Honours Waged Equal With Him” – William Shakespeare.













Finally, I have noted that Akshata Agarwal is an avid reader, wine drinker, dreamer and adventurer. We are cut from a similar stone. I go on to tell her on a message that the title of the third volume of my first book series is actually stolen from William Shakespeare -TAINTS AND HONOURS. I also took that book (which was released in 2021) backpacking to Shakespeare’s home city of Stratford-Upon-Avon in 2022. For the record –

Buy on Amazon – Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3)
Buy on Good Reads – Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3)
A Review of Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3) by Highstyle Life
A Review of Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3) by Tastepak
A Review of Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3) by Webyurt
My own blog post on Taints And Honours (Backpacking Centurion Volume 3)

“Taints and Honours” – William Shakespeare.

“His taints and honours waged equal with him” – William Shakespeare.

How To Buy Backpacking Centurion – Volume 3 – Taints And Honours on Amazon

How To Buy Backpacking Centurion – Volume 3 – Taints And Honours on Amazon

So Akshata Agarwal and I chatted and then we parted ways in Nice. I pondered on all these fool circles and messages. I have already written and titled my next 3 books, but I added new inspiration and titles or ideas here in this very spot, just after Akshata headed on. My book series Backpacking Centurion covered countries 1 – 100 and the new series This Is The Next Century covers countries 100 – 200. Sao Tome was country 227 on my list of around 260. That means I’m 27 countries into the third book series and there are no signs of all this stopping. Here is a list of my books so far, and a teaser for those to come.

Backpacking Centurion Series – A Northern Irishman’s Journey Through 100 Countries

Volume 1 – Don’t Look Back In Bangor (2020)
Volume 2 – Lands Down Under (2020)
Volume 3 – Taints And Honours (2021)
Volume 4 – The Black Volume (2023)

This Is The Next Century – A Northern Irishman’s Journey To 100 MORE Countries

Volume 1 – Aftershot (2024)
Volume 2 – Starogard Girl (EST 2025)
Volume 3 – Fool Circle (EST 2025)
Volume 4 – Untitled (Possibly “Average Inhabitant” or “Take Care My Friend”) (EST 2025)

Untitled Series – A Northern Irishman’s Journey To The 200 Plus Club

Volume 1 – Untitled (EST 2026)
Volume 2 – Untitled (EST 2026)

Selected Others

Champian Stewartnova (Following The Northern Ireland International Football Team 1980 – 2009) (2023)
I Went To Gdansk With Somebody – How A Northern Irishman Ended Up Living In Poland (2022)

Akshata Agarwal and her actual copy of Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Who the fuck is Tiffany anyway?

Here is a video of me with my “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” in Timisoara, Romania:


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