postbox at port lockroy

Posting A Postcard✉️📮From Antarctica🇦🇶at Port Lockroy🇬🇧

If you follow Don’t Stop Living, you might have read that I write and post my youngest brother a postcard from almost every new city and country I visit. If I can’t find a postbox or post office, I just wait until the next town and then post it. My favourite postcard memory so far Read more about Posting A Postcard✉️📮From Antarctica🇦🇶at Port Lockroy🇬🇧[…]

collecting beer bottle tops

Travel Collectables: Beer Bottle Tops From Around the World

I love my beers when I travel. It’s my relaxation drink and the one where I sit and think to myself “life is good”, especially if I’m on a bus, train or in a hostel after a day of sightseeing. I love a beer. Be it pint, can or bottle. You might have read that if Read more about Travel Collectables: Beer Bottle Tops From Around the World[…]

chongqing cable car china

Crossing the Yangtze River on the Chongqing Cable Car, China

I lived out one of my childhood dreams last week by visiting the city of Chongqing (in China) and seeing the Yangtze River for the first time. It was totally inspirational and lived up to all expectations. It was actually one of my favourite backpacking trips in years. The city of Chongqing is phenomenal and Read more about Crossing the Yangtze River on the Chongqing Cable Car, China[…]

chipa paraguayan bread

Friday’s Featured Food: Chipa in Paraguay🇵🇾

What is Chipa? Actually don’t answer that, let’s start with a “What is Paraguay?” Well you’ll never really know unless you go there, so I went there. As I caught a local bus across the border from Brazil (Foz do Iguacu to Ciudad del Este) I did ponder on why I was going there. But Read more about Friday’s Featured Food: Chipa in Paraguay🇵🇾[…]

jinjiangli village china kaiping

Kaiping Diaolou Tour: Jinjiangli Village, Guangdong Province, China

If you have read my first two posts (Chikan and Majianglong) on the Kaiping Diaolou Tour in China’s Guangdong Province and were awaiting the next installment, then here it is finally. A little later than billed but you know how it is. On the second morning in Kaiping we headed out to Jinjiangli Village to Read more about Kaiping Diaolou Tour: Jinjiangli Village, Guangdong Province, China[…]

colombian spirit

Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking Aguardiente in Guasca, Colombia

I ain’t written about Colombia for a long long time and sadly, the way life goes I wasn’t there for a long long time. One thing I have to say is that of all the people I have been pleasured to meet on this planet, one man will forever stand out. My Colombian mate Julio Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking Aguardiente in Guasca, Colombia[…]

happy days northern ireland fanzine

Working Wednesdays: Writing for “Happy Days” Football Magazine

I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember. I’ve also loved football for as long as I can remember. Put the two of them together and it was obvious that I was going to do some football writing at some point. Or in my case, at many points and a LOT of football Read more about Working Wednesdays: Writing for “Happy Days” Football Magazine[…]