Backpacking In Nepal🇳🇵: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My green vibe continued on my latest travels to Asia. On this trip to Asia, I visited two new countries on my journey – Pakistan and Nepal. I needed a visa for both – the Pakistan one I was able to get online (after a bit of difficulty), the Nepal visa I got on arrival at Kathmandu International Airport. I was here to enjoy the thrills of Kathmandu and Patan on this trip. I wouldn’t be in Nepal this time for any hiking adventure like the Everest Base Camp or Annapurna Circuit. I also would only be verring out of the capital city once – to nearby Patan which is actually across the bridge of the Bagmati River. I chose a fantastic place to sleep and I recommend not just sleeping here, but asking the staff to help with your tours within Nepal, and even further afield to China, Tibet and Bhutan! Welcome to the Hotel Green Horizon in Kathmandu! I was checked in by Suman, a great local Nepalese guy who made me feel at home here!

With Suman - a Warm Welcome At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

With Suman – a Warm Welcome At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

After checking in, I was shown to Room 104 and was now free to enjoy the madness and gladness of Kathmandu! Here are the best things about choosing the Hotel Green Horizon in Kathmandu.

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

1.Airport Pick-up In The Madness

Avoid the scammers, madness and taxi geeks by getting an airport pick up. I did and was collected by Raju my driver and I also met Suman here and was taken straight to check in.


2.Fast Wi-Fi

Asia can be an excruciatingly slow continent for Wi-Fi, which I discovered in places like China, Myanmar and Turkmenistan. However, here at the Hotel Green Horizon, the Wi-Fi was fast.

I Could Blog From My Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

I Could Blog From My Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

I Could Blog From My Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

3.GREEN feel

Green is my favourite colour so of course I felt at home here. It’s not the first green themed place I have slept, and it won’t be the last. I also stayed at these spots –

Backpacking in Poland: My Wonderful Stay at the Green House Hostel in Gdynia

My Stay At The Green Park Merter Five Star Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey

Backpacking in Singapore: Staying at the Green Kiwi Hostel in Bugis

Staying in the Hostel Green House: The Coolest Hostel in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil

Backpacking in South Africa: My Stay At Altona Lodge in Green Point, Cape Town

Despite this, my room was blue and white, also ironic as that day I wore a blue and white triangular patterned Northern Ireland shirt.

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Green Vibe At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Green Vibe At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

4.Cosy Room

I had my own room, 104 with the blue and white theme and yellow walls. In here, I had a private ensuite, a large double bed (so this could have been shared but I’m wifeless), a television, sockets, a desk and a mosquito repellent.

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

My Blue And White Room 104 At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu


Breakfast is optional and I chose to have a local spicy omelette with a lassi drink. A great way to start the day off here before exploring Kathmandu. It’s actually a restaurant open to everyone called the Horizon Garden Restaurant.

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Breakfast At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

As a bonus, there is ALSO a cafe here at the Hotel Green Horizon. On this trip, I was teetotal and not drinking alcohol but beers and drinks are available from the restaurant.

The Cafe At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Local Beers At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

The Restaurant And Bar At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

6.Tours – Tibet, Everest, China, Annapurna, Bhutan

From here, you can use it as a base to book your onward tours if you are backpacking loyal for a few months. I was on a stopover on route to Kazakhstan away but was glad to suss out the tour options. You can use their tour companies and and enjoy hiking Nepal, the country that is home to the highest above land mountain in the world – Mountain Everest!

With Avinash in the Tour Office – organise your tours here!

7.City Tours

As well as the trekking and tours further afield, I took advantage of their local city tours. I loved them – my driver was Minh and I toured Patan, parts of Kathmandu and my two favourite parts of this trip –

Backpacking In Nepal 🇳🇵: Watching Live Human Cremations At Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal 🇳🇵: Visiting The Boudhanath Stupa And Buddhist Shrine, Kathmandu

With Minh my driver ready for touring Patan and Kathmandu

Touring The Pashupatinath Temple Complex, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal 🇳🇵: Watching Live Human Cremations At Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu

The Main Boudhanath Stupa

Backpacking in Patan, Nepal

8.Central Location

Perhaps the best part about the Hotel Green Horizon is its location! I was bang central here, close to Durbar Square and all the poky little streets that are typically textbook Kathmandu. For party go-ers the same street (turn to the left on exit) houses over 30 bars, clubs and restaurants and is lively at night.

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal – Local Lassi Stalls

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal Durbar Square

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal – Loving Dhal Bat overlooking Durbar Square

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal Durbar Square

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal Durbar Square

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal Durbar Square

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal – National Football Stadium

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal - National Football Stadium

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal

Backpacking in Kathmandu, Nepal

9.Bar And Chill Zone

The courtyard is pretty chilled out and there is a bar, a library, a courtyard and a chill out zone.

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

The Restaurant And Bar At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Bar And Chill Zone At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu


I felt safe here – probably one of the safest places I have stayed to be honest. It just had that safe feel about it. This was helped by the great staff that I met here – Suman, Raju, Sahnani, Minh and Avinash. Thanks also to the owner Ramesh for helpful emails and information for my trip. I had a great time in Nepal and hope to go back there for my Tibet, China and Bhutan adventures!

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

money currency currencies cash

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Backpacking In Nepal: My Stay At The Hotel Green Horizon, Kathmandu

Here are the details for booking a room or bed at The Hotel Green Horizon in Kathmandu, Nepal:

Address: J.P Road, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

Phone: +977 984-1657877
J.P Road Chaksibari Marga 16-Thamel Kathmandu , Kathmandu, Nepal
+977 1-4220904


This is the finest budget hotel in Nepal, Hotel Green Horizon, where every guest is a part of our family served with modern amenities and warm friendly hospitality in heritage-style antique Nepali traditional arrangements. We also would like to inform that all of our properties including the hotel building are marked 100% safe by government registered structural engineer team as it didn’t suffer damages from the earthquake that struck Nepal on 25th April and its aftershocks. Here are more links for organising your stay at the Hotel Green Horizon and doing tours with Nepal Mountain Trekkers:

  • P.O. Box:19891, Pyramid Galli, JP Street, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • +9779851276377, 977 01 5348594
  • [email protected]
  • nmtrekkers
  • 977-9841657877

Here are some videos I made while staying at The Hotel Green Horizon in Kathmandu, Nepal:

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