Backpacking in New Zealand: Grey Skies At Greymouth
Arrival at Greymouth was via the immense northern mountains of the New Zealand South Island.
On arrival there I was greeted by grey skies and drab surroundings, knowing a had a few hours sightseeing there meant nothing, though like many others its a popular venue to stay overnight and to do adventure sports.
Train Platform, Greymouth part of the Trans Scenic Railway. Too dear for me on this budget – but meant to be a very nice train journey through the mountains.
There was a massive motorbike rally on that day, which was $5 entry, but I wanted a day of free sightseeing, so after walking round the only part of the town I could, I decided to do lunch and a coffee at Mackay Street in the town centre. The rest of the town was fenced off for the rally.
I found a lovely wee coffee shop and lunch venue on Mackay Street, it was called OneTwoFour. There was a “special” of nachos for $7, and with my coffee costing just over $3 it was a full lunch for just over $10 not too bad at all for a traveller.
So very quickly my time in Greymouth was over, I had arrived in Grey skies and left it in Grey Skies. The name of the town was perfect.
Hardcore Superstar – Shades of Grey:
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