Backpacking in Sark: Europe´s Last Feudal State

Backpacking in Sark: Europe´s Last Feudal State

Sark was a place I had always wanted to visit, ever since September 2007 when I read all about it in a flight magazine from Iceland Express. Its a mystical, magical island, off the coast of France. It has its own government and was Europe’s last ever feudal state. But where is it? And why go there?


I visited Sark in 2009. At the time I was working on the boats serving routes between Poole, Weymouth (ENGLAND) and Cherbourg, St. Malo (FRANCE) as well as Guernsey and Jersey (CHANNEL ISLANDS). I toured the Channel Islands on some of my days off. It was my first time to visit places such as Herm and Sark and they were quite simply amazing. Sark, in its traditional beauty and disconnected splendour happens to be my favourite Channel Island. They even have a football pitch and serve Guinness in “the bar” on this amazing small island.

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