7 Most Affordable Destinations for Ph.D. Studies

Studying Saturdays: My Short Course in Cantonese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

There I was, nervous again, fidgeting over my notes, like a first day back at school, checking my hair was OK and my shoelaces were done. In a foreign land here I was now, faced with the task of trying to learn some basic Cantonese. Cantonese is one of many Chinese dialects. It is spoken Read more about Studying Saturdays: My Short Course in Cantonese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong[…]

Studying Saturdays: Learning Cantonese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong🇭🇰

“Libraries gave us power” – Manic Street Preachers. Saturdays were always my day off as a blogger. I tended to write my Saturday and Sunday stuff during the week and take Saturday off. It’s football day and I should be down Dean Court or the Oval. Even in a flash of inspiration, I’d jot my ideas Read more about Studying Saturdays: Learning Cantonese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong🇭🇰[…]

delaneys irish bar 2 continents

The Day I…Worked in Two Continents Within 24 Hours

Before I tell the story of the day I worked in 2 continents within 24 hours, let me tell you that I know this isn’t cool, or rare, or unique, or even special. I’m aware of that – every day of the week people work in 2continents sometimes even 3…think of the man who has Read more about The Day I…Worked in Two Continents Within 24 Hours[…]

delaneys rugby world cup

Working Wednesdays: Heading Back to Delaney’s Irish Pub (Part 2), Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

After last week’s story on how I went to Hong Kong to go backpacking and hang out with my girlfriend, yet ended up getting a job, now it’s time for part two. So I did my two shifts in Delaney’s, caught my flight to Singapore, found out that I had got and lost the job Read more about Working Wednesdays: Heading Back to Delaney’s Irish Pub (Part 2), Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong[…]

jonny blair top irish pubs around the world

Thirsty Thursdays: 5 Best Irish Pubs From My Travels

It’s a post I was meant to write about 2 years ago to be honest, but never got round to it. In the hope I’d find better Irish Pubs than these 5. But I haven’t so the list remains the same. I’ve worked in a fair few Irish Pubs down the years and I love Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: 5 Best Irish Pubs From My Travels[…]

duck in tsim sha tsui hong kong

What the Duck??? A Massive Floating Duck in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Random travel moments spring up extra surprises, and I love them especially when there is a FREE attraction to see. What the duck was I doing walking around the seafront in Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong? Was I quackers? I was looking at a massive floating duck, that’s what!! Are you serious?? How is Read more about What the Duck??? A Massive Floating Duck in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong[…]

star ferry hong kong tsim sha tsui

The Best Value Boat Cruise in the World: 20 cents for the Star Ferry, Tsim Sha Tsui to Central, Hong Kong

I love boats and I always like the freedom of being at sea. I’ve worked on ferries and I’ve spent countless days at sea, completely loving it. I even went to Antarctica on a boat back in 2010. But the best value boat cruise in the world is actually in Hong Kong in my opinion. Read more about The Best Value Boat Cruise in the World: 20 cents for the Star Ferry, Tsim Sha Tsui to Central, Hong Kong[…]

jonny blair travel blog sponsored posts

A Guide To Teaching English in Hong Kong

Thinking about escaping the boredom and mundane-ness of your home town, village or city? But not sure where to go? Here’s a piece on how YOU can move to the skyscraping metropolis of Hong Kong and teach English! A quick guide to teaching English in Hong Kong, all from four years of my personal experience Read more about A Guide To Teaching English in Hong Kong[…]