Backpacking in Austenasia🟡🔴: Top 8 Sights in Wrythe, the Capital

On one of my recent adventures I became the first tourist to visit Wrythe, Austenasia’s capital. Having crossed the border from the town of Carshalton in London, England I was greeted by Emperor Jonathan I and given a guided tour of the capital. Here are the top 8 sights in Wrythe, capital of the Empire Read more about Backpacking in Austenasia🟡🔴: Top 8 Sights in Wrythe, the Capital[…]

austenasia travel

Backpacking in Austenasia🟡🔴: Becoming the First Tourist to Visit Wrythe, the Capital

On my landmark milestone week where I crack my 100th real life country to have visited, I decided on a few other quirky adventures on the way, this involved visits to see my friends and family on route as well as a few small nations, unknown countries and disputed regions. I was very enthusiastic about my visit Read more about Backpacking in Austenasia🟡🔴: Becoming the First Tourist to Visit Wrythe, the Capital[…]

World Borders: How to Get to Wrythe, Austenasia🟡🔴(Within Carshalton, England)

The route to my 100th (FIFA recognised) country couldn’t have been more bizarre really. To spice things up, and in true fashion of the way this journey has gone, I decided to visit a few small countries/micronations on the way. My fascination for disputed regions, breakaway republics and self declared nations possibly comes from the fact Read more about World Borders: How to Get to Wrythe, Austenasia🟡🔴(Within Carshalton, England)[…]