World Borders: Taking The Interislander Ferry From Picton (South Island) to Wellington (North Island), New Zealand

My fascination with ferries (and boats in general) hasn’t waned. The fascination began in childhood when we would have our family holidays on mainland UK. This meant getting in the car and getting the car ferry from Northern Ireland over to Scotland. Something we did manys a time. I loved travel from an early age. Read more about World Borders: Taking The Interislander Ferry From Picton (South Island) to Wellington (North Island), New Zealand[…]

Backpacking in New Zealand: Twilight in Picton

Picton makes Larne or Portavogie look like a big port. Picton is the gateway to the north island of New Zealand. For those who despise flying as much as me, this place is perfect for getting a boat from the south island to the north island, and vice versa. Plus it ain’t dear. The service, Read more about Backpacking in New Zealand: Twilight in Picton[…]