Buckets list are a load of shit

Random Rant: I Hate Bucket Lists!!🪣📝

I did a random rant before about how this is my journey and I will go wherever I want. You sometimes feel the need to get things off your chest, and so here’s my second random rant on here. One thing that drives me mad and annoys me is seeing fellow travellers write things like Read more about Random Rant: I Hate Bucket Lists!!🪣📝[…]

Jonny Blair in downtown Sao Paulo in Brazil - a lifestyle of travel

Random Rant: This Is My Journey and I’ll Go Where I Want and Do What I Want!!

Is this a new series called “Random Rants”? Not sure, I haven’t decided yet! I’m not even sure if this is a rant or not, just a post about how travel has changed my opinion on something…When I first started travelling, I did all the usual typical stuff, you know…visit the popular sights in each Read more about Random Rant: This Is My Journey and I’ll Go Where I Want and Do What I Want!![…]