Today’s Friday’s Featured Food comes from China once again. We know how much the Asians love their rice, but how about some special coloured rice with sugar added to it? Throw in a walk to some gorgeous waterfalls called Jiulong, near Luoping in the Yunnan Province and you’re sorted. Here’s a bit about Chinese sweet coloured rice.
Where can you buy Chinese sweet coloured rice?
Yunnan Province is one part of China that this exists in. If you see it, buy it and try it as it may be a long time before you find the same type of food again. I tried it the very first time I seen it, that was only a few weeks ago while visiting the Jiulong Waterfalls near Luoping in China’s Yunnan Province.
How much does Chinese sweet coloured rice cost?
Now come on, this is China so everything is cheap. It won’t be more than 5RMB (50 pence) for a pack of it.
What does Chinese sweet coloured rice taste like?
I have to say I loved it and scoffed it quickly. Rice itself is very flavourless to me, but the added sugar made it tasty and sweet. I’m not sure what e-numbers are in it, as they need to get the colours from somewhere but the taste was great! Really worth trying. The colours of the rice were turquoise, pink, yellow and purple.
Here’s a video of me trying the Chinese sweet coloured rice:
Friday’s Featured Food is an ongoing regular feature on Don’t Stop Living – a lifestyle of travel. If you have a meal, bar, pub, restaurant, brand or idea that you would like reviewed or featured on Friday’s Featured Food, please get in touch via my contacts page or my advertising page. I’d love to hear from you! I’d also love a free pint and a meal. Cheers!
Very interesting, I’ve never heard such a thing! It reminds me of the sprinkles that you put on ice cream!
Can’t wait to try it out when I visit Asia in a few weeks.
Thanks for the comment Ron – I also hadn’t really ever heard of it, but the Chinese make everything, God knows what type of dye they put in it!! But it’s nice. Hope you can find it – it is difficult to find. This was my 9th time in China and first time to even see it. Safe travels. Jonny