Friday’s Featured Food: Night Market in Da Lang, Dongguan, China

I love the random nights out that creep up on you. They’re always the best and this week while I was meeting up with my friends Agness and Cez from eTramping, we had a cool night out in Da Lang, which is in Dongguan in China’s Guangdong Province.

A night out in Da Lang with eTramping and Don't Stop Living
A night out in Da Lang with eTramping and Don’t Stop Living

Being locals of the area, Agness and Cez decided it was night market time for some top notch Chinese barbecue food. It reminded me of the night markets in Xinying Taiwan some 5 years ago.

Friday's Featured Food: Spicy Oysters in Da Lang, Dongguan, China.
Friday’s Featured Food: Spicy Oysters in Da Lang, Dongguan, China.

After some cycling out to Songshan Lake and a few beers watching sunset, I was really looking forward to a night out in Da Lang, which is a part of Dongguan. It was a new city for me, despite having been to the Guangdong Province over 15 times and toured Danxiashan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and the amazing Dialou at Kaiping.

Backpacking through Da Lang in Guangdong Province, China
Backpacking through Da Lang in Guangdong Province, China

We head to the night market which is everything you’d expect. Full of Chinese locals on either side eating a variety of food and sitting outside in the heat without a care in the world. In other words, travel and relaxation bliss.

Da Lang Night Market in Dongguan, China
Da Lang Night Market in Dongguan, China

We find a table and some seats outside opposite a barbecue which boasts trays of spicy oysters. These spicy oysters become my pick of the night and are by far the most delicious food I sampled in Da Lang.

Yum! Spicy oysters in Da Lang, China.
Yum! Spicy oysters in Da Lang, China.

We order some beers Cez and I as well as a mixture of:

– Tofu
– Chicken wings
– Chicken legs
– Spiced and stuffed aubergine
– Barbecued fish

Some of the selection at the night barbecue in Da Lang, China.
Some of the selection at the night barbecue in Da Lang, China.

Cez and I drank beers and we chatted away about life in China and Hong Kong, favourite foods and of course some blogging chat. Then later on we ended up in a cool local bar for more drinks and “the dice game”.

Loving the night market in Da Lang
Loving the night market in Da Lang

When I counted, this recent visit to China was my 20th separate visit in the last 7 years, which is crazy. While I’ve only managed to see some of 13 of China’s Provinces, I felt it was a good time to put my China backpacking stories on a separate site, so we’re working on this as one of my new projects as I continue to be hungry and thirsty for my travels in China.

Thanks to Agness and Cez for showing me round a town they know all about. Here’s a video I took in Da Lang:

6 thoughts on “Friday’s Featured Food: Night Market in Da Lang, Dongguan, China

  1. Jonny, this post made me smile! It actually made my day! I’m so happy that you enjoyed Da Lang and the food. The night market is amazing and the spicy oysters are the best in the city! It was a real pleasure to meet you and I’m so excited about our projects and travels. Stay safe!
    Agness recently posted…Visiting Düsseldorf On A BudgetMy Profile

  2. Thanks for the comments Agness and Cez!! We had a great time together and I look forward to the next meeting and our online meetings in between! Safe travels. Jonny

  3. Great article Jonny, that food looks delicious, I love your travel stories – Articles like this are what travel is all about – exploring a new place, enjoying local cuisine and culture, and sharing a beer or two with like minded people – Perfect!

  4. The food was delicious and the experience was amazing too Paul. I am a big fan of Asian outdoor night markets where you eat random food, sip beer and watch the peaceful world go nonchalantly by…safe travels. Jonny

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