Backpacking In AntarcticašŸ‡¦šŸ‡¶:Point Wild, Elephant Island

Named due to its shape, the eloquent Elephant Island leant its tusks to us just before we packed our Antarctic trunks and headed north again. This, then was the final part of my amazing Antarctic journey. A sadness and happiness filled the freshest air Iā€™d ever breathed as we pulled into the windy Point Wild.
It was a zodiac cruise round the harbour at this spot, known as Point Wild. It may even have been called Cape Wild as names, places and other topics all blurred into the same kind of wilderness that Noel Gallagher once spoke of in the 2005 Oasis song Part of The Queue. Youā€™re so in awe of whatā€™s going on to even remember the names. Some people on that boat may not even know the name of the first island (Barrientos) that we docked at on our first footsteps on Antarctic ā€œsoil.ā€
After docking on the edge of Elephant Island, I rocked down to the shipsā€™ mud room to get changed into my Antarctic attire for the final time. Itā€™s now safe to say that Antarctica officially changed my life. A cold calm crisp sea air hit my face on entering the Zodiac that day. I savoured that cold natural feeling as I knew it wouldnā€™t last. We saw a lot on the brisk morning cruise which followed.
Glaciers fell nonchalantly into the water. Ice floated and melted alongside us. Birds went flying at the speed of sound.
Turning my ā€œIā€™m off to Antarcticaā€ tag for the last time. These were tags in the mud room that alerted the crew that everyone was either (a) on the boat or (b) in Antarctica. When leaving the boat or coming back from the land, you had to turn your tag round.
Point Wild was so named because of Frank Wild, the leader from the party of Ernest Shackletonā€™s (an Irishman no less) ship which crashed meaning they had to survive on their rations at this point until they were finally rescued 4 months later. Amazing story really, and it happened in 1916, almost 100 years ago.
On the final Zodiac experience in Antarctica ā€“ Point Wild, Elephant Island.
Relaxing with George, Emily and Clare on our zodiac.
With Katharina, the pretty Italian on board the ship.
Some awesome landscape shots ā€“ just an example of how immense Antarctica really is.
The head bust of Luis Pardo ā€“ the captain of said Shackleton vessel. A nice location for a memorial. Funny how the penguins flocked there and form a wee base around the head statue. We circled this area and headed to the other side from where I took this photo. All from Point Wild Elephant Island in Antarctica.
No signs of elephants, but sheer immense scenery.
Ice cool waters and Katharina captures her last Antarctic moments too.

Our ship from the distance.


The above photo is perhaps one of my favourites from the entire Antactica trip. I somehow captured a bird in flight (a petrel I believe) and the bust of Pardo as well as the penguins and the dreamy background at Elephant Island.

Trying to look cool in a climate that certainly was. Savouring the last moments in the continent and land mass that is Antarctica!

A few final shots at Point Wild, before we boarded the ship for the last time. The Antarctica dream had been incredible. Just the scenery, the people I met, the cruising, everything. It was the best adventure of my life. I cherished and will remember every moment with fondness.

Location ā€“ Point Wild, Elephant Island
Weather ā€“ Cold, crisp, clear and windy
Wind ā€“ Fairly strong

Temperature ā€“ 8 degrees

KEY SONG ā€“ WILD THING (by The Troggs):

Wikipedia Information on Point Wild:
Point Wild (61Ā°6ā€²S 54Ā°52ā€²W / 61.1Ā°S 54.867Ā°W) is a point 6 nautical miles (11 km) west of Cape Valentine on the north coast of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands. Named Cape Wild by the Shackleton Endurance expedition 1914-16, but Point Wild is recommended for this feature because of its small size and to avoid confusion with Cape Wild on George V Coast. Named for Frank Wild, leader of the party from Shackletonā€™s shipwrecked expedition which camped on the point for four months until rescued in August 1916.




I live a lifestyle of travel and I backpacked my way to Antarctica! Donā€™t Stop Living!

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