Even after I researched, spoke to previous venturers and even booked my Salt Flats and Desert tour in the height of Bolivia, I still had no idea what to expect. This made it more surprising and spontaneous. So on the first night of the tour, imagine my surprise when we reached our base for the evening – we weren’t camping out and we weren’t in a hostel. We were staying in a village called San Juan De Rosario in a building made of natural salt. Salt bricks, salt walls, salt beds. You could almost smell that essence in the hot sunset air that captured a distant world outside.
I was sharing a room there with the pretty Romanian lady Alina. First Romanian I had met since working with another one in Poole in England in 2009. Nice girl. She saw me nude a few times, even photographing me at the height of Incahuasi but I never saw so much as her right butt cheek.
Our room.
My bed. Flag gave it away.
Dinner in the hostel.
Hostel entrance – Cabana Oz Sal. (Salt Cabin)
Sunset in San Juan de Rosario.
The Lounge at the hostel.
The selection of drinks available. On a budget and had a beer in the bag so didn’t buy any.
View from Salt Hotel window.
Funky pillow – great night’s sleep.
The ceiling.
An advert in the hostel for what to do and see this high up in the deserts.
Dinner was this spicy Bolivian meal called Pique a lo macho. Includes egg, beef and chips. and is called Pique a lo macho. I had it twice while in Bolivia.
Trying some Nicaraguan Rum! Brought by my Swiss friends Thomas and Jorg.
Relaxing on my bed of salt. (AND PROOF THAT ALL COMPUTERS ARE FUCKED UP ASSHOLES. I HAVE SPENT 2 HOURS TRYING TO MAKE THIS PHOTO TURN UPRIGHT. COMPUTERS ARE SHIT. so it remains a horizontal photo when it should be vertical).
The toilet and shower. The shower was cold, obviously, but in this heat it hits the spot.
Bed side table.
They had random hats there made from wood (not salt) I tried it on. The next morning however it was up early and away, leaving behind my room of salt, and my memories for another time.
Name of Village – San Juan De Rosario
Name of Hostel – Cabana Oz Sal
Roomed With – Alina Cornea (from Romania)
Elevation – 3,600 metres above sea levelMy Videos –
1 thought on “Backpacking In Bolivia
: Salar De Uyuni – Part 8 – Sleeping On Salt – Cabana Oz Sal”