How to get a Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa

How to get a Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa

So you have an inkling that you might move to Asia to find work, but you have no idea where to start? Why not try Hong Kong? Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa s are available for citizens of certain countries aged between 18 and 30. It could be you! Hong Kong is an amazingly busy, Read more about How to get a Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa[…]

swapped his camera for a cow

Sunday’s Inspiration: The Man Who Swapped His Camera For A Cow!!

“I don’t want to be a consumer” – Julio Felipe (2005) It’s story time on Sunday’s Inspiration on Don’t Stop Living! And bear with me, as this is a long one but hopefully one you will enjoy. As a traveller you always end up in random jobs with random people at random times. This story Read more about Sunday’s Inspiration: The Man Who Swapped His Camera For A Cow!![…]

Jonny Blair a lifestyle of travel at Warmiwanuska in Peru

Inca Trail Day 2 Part 3: Warmiwanuska – Naked Man at Dead Woman’s Pass

After an uphill morning of mist and fast paced hiking, I arrived at the peak of the entire Inca Trail – known locally in Kechuan as Warmiwanuska, this was “Dead Woman’s Pass.” The view there is meant to be astonishing – there wasn’t much chance of that – as you can see from these photos Read more about Inca Trail Day 2 Part 3: Warmiwanuska – Naked Man at Dead Woman’s Pass[…]

Jonny Blair on the Inca Trail to Patabamba and Miskay

Inca Trail Day 1 Part 4: Patabamba and Lunch at Miskay

It was a late lunch on day 1, as we wanted to make some ground and gain height by lunch time, as dinner would be at our campsite and final destination of the night. So we made the trek up to Patabamba for lunch time, it was late afternoon, maybe around 3 pm by the Read more about Inca Trail Day 1 Part 4: Patabamba and Lunch at Miskay[…]

Jonny Blair in Kwan Tzu Ling Taiwan a lifestyle of travel

Backpacking in Taiwan: Kuan Tzu Ling – Hot Springs Mountain Village

Again you’ll have to bear with the English prononciation of this wee mountain village – signposts read “Guanshiling”, local signs in the village read “Kuan Tzu Ling” and the entrance gate to the mountain road reads “Guanzihling.” Natalja and I did a day trip there, because the mountain village is famous for its “hot springs.” Read more about Backpacking in Taiwan: Kuan Tzu Ling – Hot Springs Mountain Village[…]

kaohsiung taiwan

Backpacking in Taiwan: Kaohsiung or Cow Shung

So its pronounced “cow shung” (and spelt Kaohsiung ) and so it is the second biggest city on the island of Taiwan. It was the fourth city Natalja, Neil and I visited properly on our Taiwan tour. I had no idea what to expect. It turns out it was pretty much the same as the Read more about Backpacking in Taiwan: Kaohsiung or Cow Shung[…]