Today’s Thirsty Thursdays comes from South Africa. I backpacked down to Durban from Johannesburg in 2011 and stayed in the Happy Hippo Hostel. I met a cool Scottish dude in there called Macc. I was travelling with Grace, a lovely English lady from County Durham and we ended up in Durban (Durham to Durban!). After a spot of sightseeing and some cheap local grub, Macc and I decided it was “pub time” while Grace went looking for some cheap food in the markets and shops.
Macc and I were quick to spot the Three Monkeys Bar and Restaurant on one of the main streets in Durban. It was early afternoon, it was raining outside and…well a Scottish and a Northern Irish traveller together meant BEER! We popped inside.

Thirsty Thursdays – the excellent wee local three monkeys bar in Durban where I enjoyed an afternoon beer in the rain.
I am fond of the South African Castle Milk Stout and it was generally my drink of choice while in South Africa. I didn’t find drinking in South Africa to be overly expensive in fact.
I loved the atmosphere in the Three Monkeys. Macc and I as the only two “white guys” in there were instantly recognisable and a few came over and chatted away to us.
This was the only pub I visited in Durban in the end, though we did have a fair few drinks in the hostel. Apologies for a short Thirsty Thursday today – I have a lot more stuff written and unfortunately due to APPLE COMPUTERS BEING THE WORST EVER then I am unable to update anymore – my computer comes on for 5 minutes then turns itself off with this type of screen.
After a great week of backpacking in China, I was hoping to get some blogging done until APPLE had other ideas. Avoid them at all costs and happy drinking in Durban!
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Bar in Durban, South Africa