Antarctica🇦🇶Adventures: The Hound Of The Cuverville

Antarctica Adventures: The Hound Of The Cuverville

Date – Tuesday 9th November 2010
Where – Cuverville Island, Gerlache Strait, Antarctica
Position – 64o 41′ S/ 62o 38′ W
Weather – cold, snowy, windy

 Ask me this time last year if I knew where Cuverville Island was and I say “no.” But, on the trip to Antarctic the “quest” to reach the top of Cuverville was yet another key moment in the continent of wilderness.
We docked very close by and were trying to work out which island Cuverville actually was. In the end I still didn’t know, but also it didn’t really matter.
We got on board our Zodiacs and headed across to the unknown Cuverville Island. Unknown at the time and now unforgotten.
Cuverville Beach – just amazing.
First steps on the beach at Cuverville Island.
The plan was to hike to the top – it was only a few hundred metres high, but quite steep and more difficult than a normal hike due to the thick snow.
I got near the front of the hike, I think I was fourth behind John, the expedition leader.
Wearing and baring my Northern Ireland shirt on the hike up.
Half way up.
The amazing views on the way up. Undescribeable. Stunning.
The zig zag of us heading up, taken by someone on the boat.
Relaxing half way up with the Northern Ireland flag.
Mine wasn’t the only flag that day – first of another flag here with the Phillipenes.
The trek.
Arrival at the top!
What an amazing sight we got when we got to the top. This truly is a wonderland.
At the top loving the freedom of Antarctica with my Northern Ireland flag.
Sleeves rolled up, feeling much too warm for this climate (was a bit sweaty on the walk up).
With John and Maria at the top.
I had already met the gorgeous Israeli lady Haya Harpaz on board, but here seeing her fly an Israel flag made the perfect moment for us to get a joint photo with our respective country’s flags.
Haya on her own with the Israel flag.
The dude from the Phillipenes wore a suit for the trek, which he only unveiled at the top. SOme of us agreed he was a “human penguin,” I dont actually remember his name sadly, but got in a few photos with him.
It seemed like we were up there for a long time, just admiring the view, in total awe of it and just relaxing in the fresh air. No smoke, no artificial fumes, just breathing natural air. It was so nice.
We got group photos taken.
With Mark my room mate at the top.
Rodrigo, from Brazil took this one – just before we assembled for the group shot.
On the way back down many people chose to slide and roll in the snow, I did for a bit, but preferred to walk down slow and admire the views. Apart from our later trip to Neko harbour, this was probably the best view we got in Antarctica.
One of many penguin colonies on Cuverville.
A Cuverville fading sun. So gorgeous.
Close up of a Cuverville penguin.

It was sad to leave behind the joyous calm experience on Cuverville. We made it back onto the boat for Happy Hour in the bar. And that was the farewell to Cuverville Island. Thanks for the memories…SPECIAL.

Don’t Stop Living is condemned to a lifestyle of travel! Ready my story about How to backpack your way to Antarctica.

“this world that we’ve found is too good to be true”
Starship – Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now:
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