Thirsty Thursdays: Pub Crawl in Munich With Size Matters Beer Tours

Thirsty Thursdays: Pub Crawl in Munich, Bavaria🇩🇪With Size Matters Beer Tours

At the ripe old age of 36, having just celebrated my birthday in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, I finally landed in Munich, the heart of Bavaria. Yes, city 801 on my hitlist fell to Munich, Bavaria, Germany. What’s so special about Munich? Well apart from nudist parks in the city centre and the spooky beginnings of Hitler Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Pub Crawl in Munich, Bavaria🇩🇪With Size Matters Beer Tours[…]

The Best Winter Destinations for Beer Enthusiasts

This post was posted by The Hipmunk on Hipmunk’s Tailwind blog on 11th December 2015. There’s a reason humans have been making beer for over 5,000 years. It can be crisp and refreshing on a warm summer afternoon, or complex and spicy on a snowy winter night. Whether you’re a veteran beer lover or an interested beginner, it’s Read more about The Best Winter Destinations for Beer Enthusiasts[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Beers🍺and Lunch in Europe’s “Longest Bar”, The Square Peg, Birmingham, England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

I love quirky records on my travels. You may have read that I drank in the southernmost Irish Pub in the world in Ushuaia, the highest Irish Pub in the world in La Paz and the southernmost hotel in Australia. So on my recent trip back to Birmingham, my top mate Lock In Lee and Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Beers🍺and Lunch in Europe’s “Longest Bar”, The Square Peg, Birmingham, England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿[…]

working wednesdays pjs

Working Wednesdays: A Tribute to My Friends and Heroes of PJs Parramatta, Australia

“If you really want more shout it out louder” – Usher. OK so before I launch into a tribute, the story begins, and this one needs a bit of an introduction. Even those that once worked with me in PJ Gallagher’s Irish PubI’m not sure I’ve told it all before in this much detail on Read more about Working Wednesdays: A Tribute to My Friends and Heroes of PJs Parramatta, Australia[…]

jerusalem pub crawl abraham hostels

Thirsty Thursdays: Abraham Hostel Pub Crawl in Jerusalem, Israel

It was time for another crazy pub crawl on my travel corridor! I’ve had some crazy ones down the years, notably Buenos Aires, New York, London and Christchurch. But how about a night on the town in Israel’s ice cool capital city. It had to be done and thanks to the awesome guys at the Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Abraham Hostel Pub Crawl in Jerusalem, Israel[…]

cluedo pub crawl manchester

Thirsty Thursdays: The Cluedo Pub Crawl, Manchester and Bury, England

While living in England I used to LOVE my pub crawls. I’ve touched on a few of them before, including the epic 2007 “Countries of the World” pub crawl in London. In 2005, me and three mates also did the Monopoly Pub Crawl (41 bars over 2 days – to be completed within 41 hours!), Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: The Cluedo Pub Crawl, Manchester and Bury, England[…]

sport bar football iraq

Thirsty Thursdays: Top 4 Bars in Kurdistan, Iraq

While I certainly didn’t go backpacking in Iraq to get drunk, it was pleasing that I was able to relax and enjoy some ice cold beers in some really really good bars while touring the northern part of the country, Kurdistan. All bars are safe to drink in, all friendly and they serve alcohol – Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Top 4 Bars in Kurdistan, Iraq[…]

palestine beer festival party

Thirsty Thursdays: Taybeh Oktoberfest in Ramallah, Palestine

While a recent Thirsty Thursdays was about the first time I ever tried Palestinian beer (in Bethlehem), this week it’s all about the Taybeh Oktoberfest in Ramallah in Palestine. That’s right I ended up going to a beer festival in Palestine! One of my recent travel highlights for sure! What is Taybeh Oktoberfest? It’s a Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Taybeh Oktoberfest in Ramallah, Palestine[…]