
Thirsty Thursdays: 50 Cent Triple Whiskeys in Mandalay, Myanmar

Tonight I recount yet another alcohol fuelled night of backpacking, as I recollect a night in Mandalay in Myanmar. While staying in the Royal Guest House (much less posh than its title suggests), I met Gijs, a cool Dutch guy who was doing Korea and some of Asia. We decided on a few beers out Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: 50 Cent Triple Whiskeys in Mandalay, Myanmar[…]

breakfast yangon myanmar

Friday’s Featured Food: Breakfast in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, Myanmar

Here’s a direct honesty for you today on Friday’s Featured Food – food in Myanmar is bland, going on abysmal. I’m not a big fan and I feel it a duty to tell you just how untasty and innutritious the breakfasts in this country really are. This is in some contrast to my travel blogging Read more about Friday’s Featured Food: Breakfast in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, Myanmar[…]