Ash Live in Southampton – Tim Wheeler Shouts “We´re Not Brazil, We´re Northern Ireland”

Ash are one of my favourite bands of all time, not just because they are Northern Irish I hasten to add, because their songs are intelligent, emotional and I can relate to them. Back in early 1996 I first heard them interviewed on Radio Ulster around the time of the “Goldfinger” single and 1977 album Read more about Ash Live in Southampton – Tim Wheeler Shouts “We´re Not Brazil, We´re Northern Ireland”[…]

The Day We Did Colchester….

The Day We Did Colchester….Crossing into Essex was just something that had to be done by the SOENISC. We had held many meetings in the south of England during our first year of existence, but these were mainly in the south west (Bournemouth, Weymouth, Torquay, Southampton) or as random as Cowes, on the Isle of Read more about The Day We Did Colchester….[…]

Jonny Blair Working on the Wightlink ferries from Lymington to Yarmouth in 2008

Wightlink Ferries…Summer 2008

It was June 2008 and I was looking for a new seasonal job, to accompany my quite temporary and inconsistent (and with hindsight, non-contractual, casual) job in the bars and retail points in the Pavilion Theatre in Bournemouth (and also in the BIC), and because I wanted to do something different, yet again. By chance Read more about Wightlink Ferries…Summer 2008[…]

The day Bath turned green…

Green Bath, in soapy water, needing a wash, drowned out, keeping it clean, scrubbing up, pulling the plug….these were all puns circulating on e-mail in the months of January and February 2008, when the South of England Northern Ireland Supporters Club decided to embark on the historic Georgian city of Bath. Right in the early Read more about The day Bath turned green…[…]

Working Wednesdays: Doing Public Relations for Iomega in London, England

While working in London for Bite Communications, I also did some PR for prestigious data storage specialists Iomega. My time in PR was taken up largely by Apple, Sonos and CPP, but every now and then, my monthly hours on my timesheets would include Iomega, a leader in data storage, based in Switzerland. It was Read more about Working Wednesdays: Doing Public Relations for Iomega in London, England[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: The Ice Bar, London, England

While working in PR in London, I often heard tell of new, trendy and different types of bars that were opening. There are so many cool and different bars in London, that we are spoilt for choice. During the year while I worked in London I enjoyed the night life there, some of my favourite Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: The Ice Bar, London, England[…]