katy cook quote

Sunday’s Inspiration: You Get Out of Life What You Put In

“You get out of life what you put in” – Katy Cook (Hull, England). Today’s Sunday’s Inspiration owes itself to one of my ex managers. Name checked: Katy Cook. From Hull in England. We worked together from 2006-2007 in London. I was a PR assistant for a global PR Agency called Bite Communications based at Read more about Sunday’s Inspiration: You Get Out of Life What You Put In[…]

Working Wednesdays: Report Compiling and Research for Zopa

I’ll return to my time working in London today on Working Wednesdays for a brief look at the time I did some research and report compiling for Zopa. I worked for Bite Communications in Ravenscourt in London and I was a Public Relations Assistant. The work was varied and the work was busy. I worked Read more about Working Wednesdays: Report Compiling and Research for Zopa[…]

i hate apple they are shit

Random Rant: How Apple Tried to Ruin Don’t Stop Living!!!

How Apple tried to ruin Don’t Stop Living by Jonny Blair. Random rant time again. OK so you’re thinking “what has this post got to do with travel?” but it has EVERYTHING to do with my travel lifestyle, and for that reason I’m happy to name and shame the WORST three companies  to deal with Read more about Random Rant: How Apple Tried to Ruin Don’t Stop Living!!![…]

frog suit on london underground

The Day I…Dressed as a Frog on the London Underground System

I spent a year living and working in London, and a fair bit longer travelling there to and fro over the years. It’s a city oozing in passion, but it’s all a bit too “business like” for me. Full of people in suits and briefcases, people with phones that do stuff only computers used to Read more about The Day I…Dressed as a Frog on the London Underground System[…]

working in pr for bite communications london

The Day I…Showed My Ass to an Entire Office of PR Workers in London, England

Casting my mind back to late June 2007 and I was working in PR for Bite Communications in an office at Ravenscourt Park, London, England. I had been working there since July the previous year. A busy job but I loved it by all accounts. On my last day of working there, I was given Read more about The Day I…Showed My Ass to an Entire Office of PR Workers in London, England[…]

Jonny Blair working on CPP at Bite Communications London

Working Wednesdays: Doing PR for Card Protection Plan in London, England

Today’s Working Wednesdays bring me a reminder of a job even I forgot that I once did. I worked in PR for a company called Card Protection Plan (CPP) a few years back. I have written before in parts about my time working as a PR (Public Relations) Assistant for Bite Communications. An excellent global Read more about Working Wednesdays: Doing PR for Card Protection Plan in London, England[…]

Working on a Tiger Beer PR campaign in London in 2007

Working Wednesdays: Doing PR for Tiger Beer!

I’ve had a lot of jobs down the years and even within the jobs I’ve had there were other things I was doing, that I often forget about. I totally forgot that I once did PR for Tiger Beer in the UK! Not for long though – I worked on one campaign in May or Read more about Working Wednesdays: Doing PR for Tiger Beer![…]

Jonny Blair using his iPod in China

Tuesday’s Travel Essentials: iPod

iPod. A word I didn’t have a clue what it meant 10 years ago and suddenly, it’s become a travel essential for me. I was a walkman boy – I owned a tape (cassette) walkman player in the 1990s and I took it travelling with me everywhere, I even upgraded to another travelling tape player Read more about Tuesday’s Travel Essentials: iPod[…]