Random Rant: Arrogant Travel Bloggers That Are Too Good For Everyone.
It’s a while since I’ve done a random rant, and remember Don’t Stop Living is not just my blog title, but my philosophy for living your life the way you want it. That said, every now and then I like a moan and rant about things that annoy me. And it’s time for some fellow “travel bloggers” to take a reality check
As my blog built momentum and more readers, I receive more and more comments, e-mails and opinions. As every blogger knows, this is “work” in itself but we don’t often talk about it. Yes it’s work we do for free a lot of the time, but it comes with the job and the lifestyle. I buzz off it, I love it and I care about my readers and those who e-mail me.
I’m just back from a hike up to Central America’s highest peak and opened my inbox. I have hundreds of “work emails”. By that I mean:
– Clients
– Sponsors
– Fellow travel bloggers
– Fellow travellers
– Friends
– Randoms
And guess what? I’ll reply to them all eventually and I always do. It’s my duty. Each week I get around 50 emails on the following topics:
– How to teach English in Hong Kong
– How to backpack in Iran
– How safe is Iraqi Kurdistan?
– How to get a job in Australia
And I reply to them all. I also send a lot of emails and messages each week and the thing that annoys me most is:
They think they’re above me, or you, or everyone. The news is – you’re not. You’re arrogant. You’re rude to not reply. And I’ll never give you any respect or visit your blog again. Good luck being “above everyone else.” Some of us have been in this game a lot longer than you and we will never stoop as low as you…
I wont’ list these travel bloggers but over 20 of so called “top/high profile travel bloggers” refuse to even muster a reply to some of my e-mails and I know it happens to my friends too. That makes me think “they think they’re too big for me”, “they think they’re too good for me”. The fact remains – you’re neither. It doesn’t hurt to be nice, nor does it take much effort. Take heed guys and girls…
And please – DO NOT EVER use the excuse that you are too busy! I am also “too busy” – just back from a hike up Central America’s highest peak, 4-5 more buses and hikes in the next 7 days. I’ve still managed to backpack through almost 90 countries, while replying to all my emails while trying to ensure this site has at least one blog post per day (not to mention my other sites and side projects).
So you’re not too busy, you’re just rude and arrogant. Don’t forget, I’ve been a travel blogger since 2007, outlasting the likes of Nomadic Matt and Wandering Earl (both who incidentally DO reply). All of those years of blogging, I’ve been actually travelling, at least on avergae 5-6 new countries (and over 20 cities) per year, with only a set home for 12 months of that. And I’m not too arrogant or busy to reply to friends, followers or fellow travel bloggers. So take heed and maybe I’ll get a reply…
On a final note, frankly it’s up to you at the end of the day…karma hurts.
Safe travels my friends.
I thought there was going to be more to this list than just that (RE: not replying to emails).
Oh there is Ray – don’t get me started – this just a quick rant as I have lots of emails to reply to, while also properly backpacking through cities in Guatemala
I usually lurk, but I have to answer this one, Jonny. Although I do answer every email sent to me, sometimes I delay by a week or two. Why? Because I’m not a travel blogger. I’m a writer and a banker who travels. I spend 90% of my time writing novels or doing consulting work for banks and it just eats up my time. Banker in the Sun was just a pet project that grew more than I expected it would. Although it’s classified a travel blog, if you look at it, there’s not a single ad. It’s not my way or means to make money, nor was it meant to be. I always pictured professional travel blogs as being money-making, maybe I’m wrong.
So I understand your point about a “travel blogger” not finding time–if all they were doing is travel blogging–but there are those who do other things–travel blogging is just a passionate hobby of theirs–and they may actually be real slammed.
On a side note, don’t get me wrong. I treat my “travel blog” with a lot of love and attention, and I don’t regret any bit of what it’s become…(ie very time-intensive lol).
Rashad Pharaon recently posted…My First Impressions of Bangkok
I’ve come across a lot of this as well, but usually other would say I was the problem because they were, like you said, too busy. Well, I work a full time job, run a photography business, take trips on the weekends, and have a family to take care of as well, I have never ignored an email. I actually had to block one well known blogger because she attacked me for being critical of other bloggers, not even her, for being too good to answer questions or even reply to someone outside of the little circles that seem to exist.
Nathan recently posted…A Day Run To Topeka, KS
Hi Rashhad – thanks for the comment. I’m mostly referring to travel bloggers who think they are a game above everybody else and just ignore your comments, emails etc. Most of those I’m referring to are members of the PTBA and would class travel blogging as their main job. It sometimes take me 1-2 weeks as well due to travelling being offline, but I flag them and reply later. You reply to emails so you don’t have to worry. Safe travels. Jonny
Hi Nathan, thanks for the comment – really appreciate the honesty. Yeah it really annoys me. Like I say, I flag every email when I’m “too busy” (which is all the time – as we speak I’m booking a tour to Lake Atitlan) and reply later, unless they are spam or trolls of course. It’s arrogant of those to ignore people who travel and blog just as much (if not more) than they do and I won’t be visiting their blogs again or recommending them. I also delete them from my Travel Buddies links pages
Safe travels. Jonny
I was also expecting a rant covering many different topics. I get about 375 e-mails a day when you start counting the press releases, the spam, the “you won the lottery in [insert African country],” on top of the actual business stuff. I don’t reply to everything. Does that make me arrogant? No, I think it makes me practical. Send me a generic form e-mail to your press release on [insert generic topic], you’re not getting a response. Or, maybe I send back my own generic message. It’s impossible for me personally to reply to all the crap. If there’s a real person engaging me in a real discussion about something real – always reply. And I’m not even a top blogger.
Lance recently posted…Victoria Falls is Gorges (and Wet)!
Hi Lance – Thanks for the comment – I get the same amount of emails as you and probably everyone else who travels and blogs and I also delete all the spam. This is a rant about arrogant travel bloggers who ignore emails from their fellow travellers and bloggers. I’m talking emails like:
“Hey mate. Cool blog. Im going to Iran next month. ANy tips on getting a visa?” – I always reply, arrogant bloggers dont
“Hey mate. Remember the interview I did for your website? Any word on when it will be published?” – I always reply, arrogant bloggers dont.
Just a few examples and yes this rant could cover more topic, but ahem, I am really backpacking in Guatemala at the moment, off to tour a city, book a hike, eat some food and then reply to my emails tonight. Safe travels. Jonny
You’re awesome Jonny! Keep up the good work! Cheers, Manouk P.s. I believe in karma ;)!
Manouk – Bunch of Backpackers recently posted…The best party places in Southeast Asia
Ha ha – thanks for the comment Manouk and yeah karma hurts and it will come back to these people for sure! Safe travels. Jonny
Hey, you NEVER reply to my emails! (just kidding) (=
But yes, I agree with everything you’ve said here. Unfortunately for those individuals, their blogs will be the ones which won’t adapt as blogging changes, since they’ve essentially excluded themselves from “the loop,” or rest of the blogging community if you will.
Keep doing what you’re doing, brother! I enjoy your articles, especially on Antarctica as it’s one of my top 5 future destinations. Cheers
Tom Edwards recently posted…How To Take a Shower in Malaysia
Hey Tom thanks for the comment – great to hear from a fellow traveller and blogger. That’s an interesting way to look at it and I think you’re right. Eventually they’ll realise their mistake. But for me, the most annoying aspect is probably that these types of bloggers are actually like this in real life.
Incidentally if anyone ever wants to meet me for a coffee, beer, hike etc on my journeys, please do! I love connecting with everyone. Safe travels, Jonny
Hey Jonny, sorry to hear of your bad experiences and I can appreciate your point.
I’m certainly not on the same scale as your good self and I know e-mail can be overwhelming. I do put things I identify for a response into a follow up folder to address when I have enough time.
Whilst I am only hobby/part time blogger I’ve already had a couple of unpleasant experiences with travel bloggers. One became quite abusive when he wanted to be featured on one of my sites but on his terms rather than the terms of my site. I politely responded and advised that they are the terms of the site and other, more established names didn’t have the issues he did.
Another one baffles me. She has been very successful in the last year and I continue to support and comment on her blog. She refused to link exchange and then completely blocked me from twitter. However, more recently she started liking and interacting on my facebook page. I welcome her interaction but am a little baffled. Maybe I should contact her again?
As for the 2 big name bloggers you mention in your article who “always reply”, I did e-mail one of them last year and never even got an acknowledgement. I’m not sure if they were too busy, my e-mail was lost in spam or just lost in the crowd. I dare say though they might have been overwhelmed with inquiries, as you know there are only so many hours in the day.
What annoys me is persistent/begging article writers or content providers who I have politely declined. Some people just will not take a polite no as an answer and move on.
BTW, I hope I haven’t missed any of your e-mails?
The Guy recently posted…United Flight 93 Shanksville Memorial PA
Hi The Guy – a pleasure to hear rom you as always and I know you and I had a few email mix ups last year (as can happen) but generally refusal of a “big name” travel blogger to look down upon or disrespect anyone else who does the same as them is not cool. Same goes for any job. When I worked in bars, al the staff were the same level – we get on with our job and respect each other. Same for farming, banking, teaching etc…
With regards to what you say, some bloggers will look down on us all thinking we are nobodys and then after a whiule they realise their mistake. Especially since I have recently given advice to other bloggers about travelling to Azerbaijan, Iran and Iraq when previously they wouldnt even visit my blog, seing me as some kind of minor blogger/backpacking amateur. All I can do is post an article each day, really travel and be myself.
I don’t think you’ve missed any of my emails – the thing is though, we’re all human but once we have a relationship with bloggers online, we can forgive missing an email. It’s when it’s a constant blanking.
With Matt, Earl and Sam – they’ll get to know you and they’re all great bloggers – probably the best 3 around in fact and I’m glad to say that we email each other and they’re cool guys. You can always try again with them thoguh as they are hard working, busy and genuine. Though Nomadic Matt these days admits he’s less nomadic than before!
Nobody in the travel blogging world is better or worse than anybody else. I just wish people would realise this.
I digress – off to write some articles and get some Guatemalan coffee!
Safe travels.
Amen to that brother. Guess we just realise who we can work with and who we can’t.
Safe travels.
The Guy recently posted…United Flight 93 Shanksville Memorial PA
Just going to check my inbox and make sure I’ve never missed an email from you by mistake – Be right back!
Poi recently posted…8 things we can’t live without whilst on the road!
Hi Poi and Kirsty!
I have to say that you guys were one of the first travel bloggers I connected with way back in 2010 I think? So you don’t have to worry about missing emails
It’s more the travel bloggers that have an arrogant attitude and look down on other blogs as they are caught up in their own worlds. You’ll find you can send them 5,6 emails and get either no reply,. or as has happened get very rude replies!
Safe travels. Jonny
I also endeavor to always reply to emails. Not always in a timely fashion, but it always gets done. I’m going to turn the table here, and say that what annoys me is when I spend the time to put a detailed reply to someone’s email, and I send it off only to never hear from them again. I know THEY are also probably busy, planning their trip, working, etc – but a simple “Thanks for your help” would sure be appreciated.

Matt recently posted…North Island or South Island New Zealand (Video)
Two of my more recent annoyances. I messaged one fellow blogger about an interview series they did and he got back to me saying he now charges same as sponsored post. This was just a random I hadn’t heard of with a PR 2 site. Obviously I declined and felt embarrassed for him. This story goes a bit further but I’ll not bore you with it.
Next was a well known digital nomad and SEO guy who has a subscription “sign up to my Newsletter and I’ll answer any question within a week”. I signed up and asked advice, the week passed, nothing. I send the question again, wait, nothing. After about a month I send a quick message “C**t. I will Destroy You”, not out of badness obviously I just thought his email was broken. He replied in a couple of hours, not with the answer to the original question (obviously), just wishing me luck in destroying him
The blogging world is full of dipshits and while I’ve probably missed a few responses myself on social media or maybe I forgot to flag something but I do reply to pretty much everything non business related.
Allan Wilson recently posted…Exploring Mandalay (One Day Tour)
Ha – that’s false advertising for a start Allan! I had a similar experience with a well known “travel blogger” who I have no time for now. I emailed a few times, no response. But I know they didn’t go into spam as one of them passed the “read check”. Next time I sent an email with a more probing question just to see if they really would ever reply, and the reply that came back was one of the rudest and most arrogant I have ever had. I’ve no time for arrogant wannabes in this game. I’ll keep travelling, blogging, giving tips and advice and replying to my readers and fellow bloggers. It doesn’t hurt to be nice! Safe travels. Jonny
Hi Matt – thanks for the comment and I agree with you on that – I’ve given loads of long emails with travel advice and itineraries to readers/travellers down the years out of the goodness of my heart and also not heard back. I do believe in karma though
Safe travels. Jonny
hi Jonny!

this is the first time i saw your blog from one of the bloggers group.
I have also experienced some travel bloggers who don’t even reply to tweets nor hit the favorite button… maybe their “too busy” and I just shrug is off. But not replying to emails (i hope at least a tweet was sent as heads up) would really be rude.
As much as I wanted to be a regular blogger (blogging and socializing on a daily basis since I started), there was one big hindrance – internet connection! There was even a time when I was just reviving blogging and eventually lost signal from home – i could hardly send emails even at home.
So when people do not reply to me (esp. the “busy” ones or the popular bloggers), I just remember the time I myself lost internet. BUT I also hope they would find time to reply to each and everyone – they wouldn’t be popular or even make money (eventually) if not for their readers
I salute you and other bloggers who are patiently blogging, replying, working on the side and traveling all at the same time. It takes a LOT of hard work, dedication and patience.
Kudos to you!
Hi Pie – thanks for your comments – some good reasoning for sure. In fact I remember my time in Iran, North Korea and Myanmar when internet was horrendous and I was slow to reply, but I still got there. I write this from Xela in Guatemala – decent connection here as it happens! Safe travels. Jonny
I don’t understand that part.
I know it is such an annoying when people don’t reply.
I don’t know if you email them or they comment and you comment back or something.
I once subscribe to a travel blog.
I comment and get no comment back.
I just unsubscribe.
It is for socializing.
I saw you comment on my comment, I mean reply.
It is really nice.
If I have nothing to say, I will not so does it mean ignore, sorry for that.
One thing, when you reply, you say “Safe travels. Jonny”
I have a feeling that you don’t want to talk to me anymore.
I know an expert.
It is good if I ask him once and just see his reply.
If I answer to his reply, he feels like a pain so he gets angry.
So, I am not quite sure.
Binh recently posted…A travel tour of the future
thank you Jonny!

i HATE people who dont reply. Yes you are busy, everyone is busy but it is just lazy and rude to not reply.
I have touched base (or tried to) with some “big” bloggers over the last few weeks, they have ignored my email yet are active on SM.
Not sure what it takes to be “good enough” to get a reply but i think they need to get their head out of their ass
Sam D recently posted…5 Awesome Summer European Festivals You Should Visit
thank you Jonny!

i HATE people who dont reply. Yes you are busy, everyone is busy but it is just lazy and rude to not reply.
I have touched base (or tried to) with some “big” bloggers over the last few weeks, they have ignored my email yet are active on SM.
Not sure what it takes to be “good enough” to get a reply but i think they need to get their head out of their ass
I think they tend to forget that people who are emailing them might also be long time readers… then again they probably dont care if they loose 1 or 2.
Sam @ Travelling King recently posted…5 Awesome Summer European Festivals You Should Visit
Jonny, you’re a great blogger, you shouldn’t take things too personally.
I have to make a confession. I do reply to emails that I think they’re important, but yes I have to admit there is a lot I do not reply. I stopped replying to every comment on my blog/FB/Twitter/Pinterest/Instagram/Google+/Youtube/etc. because it would take hours every day to reply to every single message….
I’m not too busy, I have different priorities. I certainly rather spend time with my bf/bff/family/friends/offline than replying for the 500th times to a reader who is asking me if he needs a visa for Thailand … or a fellow blogger asking me if we do a link exchange. Sometimes it’s better to say nothing instead of telling that you think the blog sucks and you don’t want to recommend a blog that uses comic sans as a font.
Sometimes honesty hurts and I prefer to say nothing instead of getting into a debate. Am I arrogant because I don’t reply to every message? You probably think so. Do I care? Uhm… No. By the end of the day I’d like to say I spend my time meaningful with something I loved to do. And well, replying to every nonsense emails isn’t my first priority.
But to end this message, appropriate messages will most likely always get a reply. And if not, it’s not you, it’s me.
Hi Binh, thanks for your comment. When I say “Safe Travels” it;s just my way of wishing everyone else who follows/comments here a happy and safe trip!! At the end of the day I reply to my readers and followers and fellow bloggers and it’s cringeworthy, embarrassing, arrogant and rude of those bloggers who don’t. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. Safe travels. Jonny
Hi Sam – thanks for your comment. Totally agree with the “head out of their ass” statement. They’re rude, arrogant and they’ve just lost a reader, potential friend, follower etc. I’ll get on with my travels and my work and being myself – which means replying to my readers, fellow bloggers and followers. Safe travels. Jonny
Decent perspective here Sab from the other side and I do appreciate your comment. Thanks for your honesty on this matter. The only thing I will say is that if you constantly ignore these emails and comments, readers, followers and blogger will eventually turn off and stop reading your blog. Don’t forget that it is the readers and daily hits that make your blog a success, but that’s just my take on it! And of course – safe and happy travels wherever you head next! Jonny
I feel if a blogger is monetizing their blog and they get inundated with emails, they need to hire cheap help. If you’re making money from a blog, you’re running a business, and just like any other business, you need to answer customer questions. These are the very same customers clicking on those links which are making you money and allowing you to get on that next plane, train, or bus. It’s not about family or friends. If you can’t make time for your customers, don’t start a business.
That’s another fair comment Rashad. The thing is my blog started in 2007 as just a document of my journeys. I had no idea I o ever have readers, followers or comments at that point, so for me I don’t want to change it – I still reply personally and think it’s just common courtesy and good manners to do that. SOme don’t, and that’s up to them! Safe travels. Jonny
Hi Jonny: Interesting post. I’ve been traveling 7.5 years now and still reply to most comments and emais. However, any emails that come to me with the heading “Hi There” or just “Hi” go directly to the trash bin. In every case, this is someone who wants something from me – usually to publish a guest post on my blog to take advantage of traffic that I’ve work exceedingly hard to win – but they can’t even take the time to address the email to me personally, when my name is plastered at the top of my home page. I decided long ago that if they couldn’t respect me enough to begin with “Hi Barbara” then the delete key was totally appropriate.
Barbara Weibel recently posted…PHOTO: Fresh Caught Seafood in Taormina, Italy
With you Barbara and appreciate your comment. I’m taking a bit of slagging for this post and fair enough, I accept that. I’m in the same boat as you with this though – I have a name. My name is Jonny and it’s on my homepage and most pages on my site, so if someone addresses me with “Hi there” or “Dear webmaster” I hate it, but for some reason I still reply and 90% of the time, wont’ hear back. Sometime I even say “my name is Jonny ;-)” in the reply. On a different note I read Hole in the Donut a few years back and liked your site – haven’t been on in a while, nor have we emailed each other but it’s really nice to hear from you. Happy blogging and safe travels. Jonny
Good rant! Though I have to say, I also work in arts admin and as a poet, and travel blogging isn’t the only field where you get people who feel they’re too ‘big’ to reply… Surely it’s just common decency and general politeness?
Katie @ Second-Hand Hedgehog recently posted…Is Time Travel A Dying Art?
Haha – yes I agree – it’s just plain and simple good manners and common courtesy as a decent human being to reply. I don’t care how busy people are. I am incredibly busy too but I always reply. It’s in my nature. Perhaps people need some time management tips or to read the 4 Hour Work Week! Safe travels. Jonny
“head out of their ass”
it is really mean comment.
I highly think it is skuxx.
Jonny, I really like this one.
Can I put it back to my site.
I am kind of in the same situation as yours.
I read some blog and they don’t reply.
You are a good blogger.
I think you really need to leverage the number of readers because if it is like 500 comments, OMG.
It will take the whole day just to read them along.
Keep it up.
You are in the right way.
Binh recently posted…Tell me about yourself
Ha ha thanks for the comment Binh and safe travels. Jonny
Hi Jonny, Interesting rant. I am way too new to have such problems, but rather than starting off on the wrong foot, I have a question – when you reply to comments left on your blog, do you reply only on your blog, or do you send an email as well. And if you do sent an email, is there an app that does both at the same time? At this point, I answer all email with email, all social media questions on the social media platform, and all blog comments on my blog.
Rhonda Albom recently posted…Sarah’s Saturday Snapshots #10 – Fire and Water
Hi Rhonda thanks for the comment. I have no idea about an “app”! Lol. If it’s a facebook message or comment, I reply on Facebook. If it’s Twitter, I reply on Twitter. If it’s on email I reply on email. If it’s a comment on here, I reply on here. No point in varying the way to respond! Best wishes for your travels and your blogging!! Stick with it and it will become a passion and…possibly your lifestyle. Safe travels. Jonny
I know we’ve exchanged emails a few times in the past (you were in our article here if you remember: http://www.aluxurytravelblog.com/2013/08/13/10-of-the-weirdest-things-eaten-by-travel-bloggers/ ) so hopefully this isn’t aimed at me

Paul recently posted…Top 10 stops along Florida’s A1A Scenic Byway
Correction – you commented on that article. It was actually this one that you featured in… http://www.aluxurytravelblog.com/2013/11/12/10-more-of-the-weirdest-things-eaten-by-travel-bloggers/
Paul recently posted…Top 10 stops along Florida’s A1A Scenic Byway
Although it might take a few weeks before I can reply, I usually reply to every e-mail except the ones that are clearly spam and similar to Barbara I usually delete the ones that just say Hi or Hi admin or something. My name is clearly mentioned on my blog. I also get back to every comment made on my blog however I cannot reply to each and every comment made on my FB page / G+ / tweets etc.
Freya recently posted…EBC Trek Day 5: Namche to Tengboche
Hi Paul – your blog is great and I was happy to be featured on there, of course this isn’t aimed at you. You can tell pretty early on with other people whether they are decent people or not, showing a common courtesy and replying is the least that can be expected. Keep up the good work. Safe travels, Jonny
Sure thing Paul thanks!
Thanks for the comment Freya. The one I fall down on is Twitter. It does take a lot of work to keep up with every social media, but Facebook and Email I reply to every decent email that isn’t spam. With Twitter private messages, I dont even see the point in it. E-mail me and you’ll get a reply. Safe travels. Jonny
Awesome rant Jonny! I really fail to see how people could consider you as a mediocre blogger or not worthy of their time – You have to be the most knowledgeable person concerning travel, if ever I need any advice or ideas about a place I want to visit, I know I can come to Don’t Stop Living and there will be some great articles with useful info that I can actually use.
Although my blog isn’t main stream or well known, I always makes sure I reply to comments on the site and social media platforms – I just enjoy interacting with people and hearing what they have to say, and what stories they have
Thanks for the comment. I especially hate the excuse “I’m too busy” which a load of bloggers on Facebook tried to use this week as their reason for non reply!! Hello?? We’re all too busy – nobody is special out there, but some of us are not too rude, condescending or arrogant to at least muster some quick response or reply! This quick reply took me 40 seconds. It’s common courtesy and out of goodwill to email your followers and bloggers back and reply to comments. Neglect your readers and they will soon neglect you. No surprises that I don’t visit any of these guys sites any more. Safe travels. Jonny
Hey Jonny, just curious.
How long does it take you to reply to my comment or Paul’s one?
I think you are a fast typer.
Binh recently posted…The minor part
Hi Binh – thanks for the comment. It normally takes less than one minute per comment, I’m not a fast typer. Though in the next week I will be hiking in Guatemala so might take me a while to get through the next batch. Safe travels. Jonny
A great post Jonny,
As some one who just started my own travel blog I have encountered few, well more than few people who do not bother to answer my emails. I would rather have a simple no to my request than no answer at all.
I am working hard on getting my blog out there but a lot of times I have seen those “ignorant travel bloggers”.
But most people are very nice and helpful, I have had many people willing to help me with my questions and most of them at least give a simple no for an answer.
Sigurdur Bjorgvinsson @redheadexplorer recently posted…48 hours in the Big Apple, New York City.
Hi Sigurdur, Thanks for the comment Glad someone out there also agrees with me and hates this overbearing attitude from some so called Professional Travel Bloggers. All we can do is be ourselves and never visit their sites or pages again. It would be nice to see some karma go around with this.
And I agree that thankfully most of us will at least have the courtesy to reply and I encourage all fellow travel bloggers to offer a reply. Good luck with your blog by the way – will have a read!! Safe travels, Jonny
I came across this article, even though its been a few months I felt the need to reply. I think you are absolutely right! I do not have a travelblog but work as a PR person for a company and I think it is absolutely a waste of business and relationship opportunities if you do not reply to e-mails. Even if you are not interested, you never know what might come up in the future. We also reply to every single blogger that sends us an e-mail, it is the basis for a great network and they might even help to other opportunities you might be interested in. I think this is the basis of the internet, so having a travelblog as a business you need to act professional.
Hi Daniela, thanks for the comment, always appreciated. Yes there are still bloggers that are too big to reply to others. I even met a few of them at a conference recently, no time for them and on with my own show and hanging out with the good guys and girls. What goes around comes around. Safe travels. Jonny
I know it’s almost two years since you posted this rant but I thought it appropriate to comment nonetheless as that’s about as timely as most of email replies are
Soz everyone.
Shane recently posted…JobSpy: Considering Working a Ski Season?
Hi Shane, at least you replied. I’m still waiting on replies from these white “too good for me” middle class USA travel bloggers…Safe travels. Jonny
Hi, Thanks for sharing this post. I am waiting for your reply.
Hi Jerry, thanks for the comment and apologies for the delayed response. I have been suffering from long term depression caused by liars. I am glad you enjoyed my post on arrogant bloggers. Stay safe. Jonny
If somebody replies,it shows he is down to earth.I hate people who don’t reply.It is unethical.
Hi Sagar, thanks for the comment – I totally agree though in recent years sadly depression took over and I put emails and replying as lower priority due to being pushed into deep depression due to nasty serial liars. Suicide and depression are really the only excuses for unreply. Stay safe. Jonny