Backpacking at Penis Rock, Danxiashan Mountains, Guangdong Province, China

Backpacking at Penis Rock, Danxiashan Mountains, Guangdong Province, China🇨🇳

  China is still an unknown travel gem for the most part, I really believe that. Especially for those that cannot speak Chinese. For example my latest trip to China was to Shaoguan and Danxiashan both in the north of the Guangdong province, neither of which are even recognised as locations on most travel websites. Read more about Backpacking at Penis Rock, Danxiashan Mountains, Guangdong Province, China🇨🇳[…]

Fujian Bus Trip: Shuyang Town to Xiamen

  There’s something dreamy to me about China and Taiwan. It’s a bit hard to explain. It’s like you’re stepping into another world. I haven’t found the same type of feeling on anywhere else on my travels, not even Hong Kong or Macao. Both of which are to a political extent under the rule of Read more about Fujian Bus Trip: Shuyang Town to Xiamen[…]

Welcome to Sydney

Departure from Malaysia and Arrival in Australia

Without flinching an eyelid and just like any other day of your life, we arrived in Sydney, Australia. Equipped, Natalja and I with simply a passport, a one year visa and our possessions, we slipped casually past border control and into the realms of Australia. That was late October 2009. At the tender age of Read more about Departure from Malaysia and Arrival in Australia[…]

Jonny Blair in Kwan Tzu Ling Taiwan a lifestyle of travel

Backpacking in Taiwan: Kuan Tzu Ling – Hot Springs Mountain Village

Again you’ll have to bear with the English prononciation of this wee mountain village – signposts read “Guanshiling”, local signs in the village read “Kuan Tzu Ling” and the entrance gate to the mountain road reads “Guanzihling.” Natalja and I did a day trip there, because the mountain village is famous for its “hot springs.” Read more about Backpacking in Taiwan: Kuan Tzu Ling – Hot Springs Mountain Village[…]

kaohsiung taiwan

Backpacking in Taiwan: Kaohsiung or Cow Shung

So its pronounced “cow shung” (and spelt Kaohsiung ) and so it is the second biggest city on the island of Taiwan. It was the fourth city Natalja, Neil and I visited properly on our Taiwan tour. I had no idea what to expect. It turns out it was pretty much the same as the Read more about Backpacking in Taiwan: Kaohsiung or Cow Shung[…]