Today’s Tuesday’s Travel Essentials concentrates on sun cream. Yes I call it “sun cream” but you might also know it as any one of the following:
– sunscreen
– sun lotion
– sun block
– sun tan lotion
– sun oil
Call it what you want, it’s pretty essential for us as we jaunt around the globe. I also cannot stress enough how important it is to wear even when you cannot feel the heat of the sun. Even in cold weather and without an obvious beating sun, you can still pick up a sunburn, so applying cream is very important. I won’t tell you which one to buy or wear as we all have our own preference and skin sensitivity. I use a separate day cream for my hands (moisturising cream) and a stronger sun block for my body (minimum factor 30).

NEVER underestimate the strength of this massive orange ball in the sky! You can get burnt when you least expect it!
I have been burnt on my travels of course, but not since 2009 when I made the mistake of lying down on Kenting Beach in Taiwan without applying sun cream. I won’t make that mistake again and I’m also urging you not to either. Short little essential piece of advice for you today! I’m actually in Sri Lanka right now applying some sun cream as we head out for some sightseeing!
Safe travels! Tuesday’s Travel Essentials is a regular feature on Don’t Stop Living – a lifestyle of travel. Jonny Blair is a nomadic and cultured travelling Northern Irishman!
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