travel blogs earn money

Book Review: Travel Blogging – Build Audience, Improve Rankings and Earn Money

I review quite a lot of books on here, more than time will permit me to read and I’ve had to turn down book reviews recently due to my ongoing travels (currently in Brazil for the World Cup), but sometimes when a new book comes out, I get excited. Especially with this one. If you Read more about Book Review: Travel Blogging – Build Audience, Improve Rankings and Earn Money[…]

Book Review: The Cargo Ship Diaries by Niall Doherty

Another in my ongoing series of book reviews, but first things first – the author of this one, Niall Doherty is an inspiration. Niall is a hard working, normal Irish lad. But Niall is something more, nothing less. He’s fun to be around, he speaks his mind, he enjoys life and he lives the life Read more about Book Review: The Cargo Ship Diaries by Niall Doherty[…]

Book Review: The Red Rucksack by Ben West

It’s time for another book review on Don’t Stop Living. As you’ve probably read from my previous book reviews, I love reading REAL LIFE travel books (such as Lisa and George’s “Travelling in Sin”), OK as well as a bit of fiction 😉 – Mike Delwiche’s “The Liar’s Guide to South America“. I recently came Read more about Book Review: The Red Rucksack by Ben West[…]

how to live a life of travel

Top 10 Travel eBooks To Buy

A recent conversation with a mate sparked the whole “are physical books dead?” debate and while I disagreed, we did admit that travelling light means bunging e-Books into your hard drive storage and laptop. And a few of my travel blogging buddies have released some awesome e-Books the last few years. I’ve read these all Read more about Top 10 Travel eBooks To Buy[…]

traveling in sin book lisa

Book Review: Traveling in Sin by Lisa and George

It’s time for another awesome book review and I’m delighted to feature one from two fellow travellers, globertrotters and writers. Lisa Niver Rajna and George Rajna run the fantastic site We Said Go Travel and I also interviewed them on my World Travellers Series earlier in the year. Both Lisa and George are members of Read more about Book Review: Traveling in Sin by Lisa and George[…]

jonny blair sponsored posts on my travel blog

Working Wednesdays: Sponsored Posts on my Travel Blog

Today on working Wednesdays I’m talking about “sponsored posts”. If you have followed my blog you will have read that on Sunday I put up a Sponsored Post on Aruba. BUT I WROTE IT. Don’t Stop Living is still MY blog and it will always be my blog. I DO NOT ACCEPT GUEST POSTS and Read more about Working Wednesdays: Sponsored Posts on my Travel Blog[…]

How to make money with your travel blog by Nomadic Matt, Matt Kepnes

Book Review: How to Make Money With Your Travel Blog by Matt Kepnes

You might have read a few of my book reviews on here before, but this is one with a difference. It’s not a story about a guy travelling round South America chasing after the girl of his dreams or about a globetrotting Northern Ireland football fan. Let’s get serious for once. This is Nomadic Matt’s Read more about Book Review: How to Make Money With Your Travel Blog by Matt Kepnes[…]

liar's guide to south america

Book Review: The Liar’s Guide to South America, by Mike Delwiche

I’ve done a few book reviews on here before, but only books related to travel, as funny enough these types of books are the ones I most enjoy, being an avid traveller. I love reading books on trains, planes, buses etc. and at airports and bus stations. This time it’s a novel by Michael Delwiche Read more about Book Review: The Liar’s Guide to South America, by Mike Delwiche[…]