Backpacking Vagina Rock, Danxiashan Mountains, Guangdong Province, China🇨🇳

Jonny Blair at Vagina Rock in Danxiashan Mountains in China living a lifestyle of travel

Vagina Rock Naked! My trip to a rock which resembles a lady’s fanny! This is in the Danxiashan Mountains in CHINA. 🇨🇳 

If you follow my blog, you might have read recently about my visit to Penis Rock in the Danxiashan mountains of China (yes, an allegedly natural rock that looks like an upright willy, penis, cock, dick – amusing and possibly sacred), well now it’s time to write about Vagina Rock – the one that complements its male counterpart!

So are you telling me there is a penis rock and a vagina rock in the same National Park?

Yes, I am and you should see both! Believe me it’s totally worth it, as is viewing the Chinese countryside in Danxiashan Mountains at both sunrise and sunset (more on that at some point).

Vagina rock or vulva stone in Danxiashan Mountains Guangdong in China

Not only is there a Vagina Rock, there is even a noticeboard about it!


How do I get to Vagina Rock?

Jonny Blair at Yao Tang in China

Getting to Vagina Rock is not exactly straight forward! At the entrance to the gates to Yao Tang village here!

It’s a long story, but let’s cut it short and assume you’re already in Yao Tang Village or Jin Jiang Village near the city of Shaoguan. You’ll want to get up early (around 5am) and do the hike/climb up to Elder Peak for sunrise. After the sunrise hike to Elder Peak, follow the downward path right back into the lower valleys. It’s all signposted well in English and calls the rock “Vulva Rock” in English. It’s a vagina, a fanny, a c*nt, lady bits, a hole, a vulva. OK enough of the terms for female genitalia…what is it?

What is Vagina Rock?

Jonny Blair at Vagina Rock in Danxiashan CHINA

Standing in front of a large fanny at Vagina Rock in the Danxiashan Mountains of CHINA!

It is a rock embedded into a wall near a forest in the impressive Danxiashan Mountains in the north of Guangdong Province in China. It resembles a female vagina or vulva. It has the same shape and even a hole in the middle. Don’t be seeing this as vulgar or sick – remember the human body is sacred. It’s just a rock – there are no pubic hairs.

Is it worth seeing Vagina Rock?

Jonny Blair at a rock shaped like a woman's private parts in China

Admiring Vagina Rock in Danxiashan Mountains in CHINA.

Look at this in two ways – in one way “yes, it’s just a rock shaped like a woman’s vagina” but also travel is amazing and this is a sight worth seeing. It’s natural and the similarity to a vagina is uncanny, it’s a rare chance to see it. Is there anywhere else on the planet with such a natural rock shaped like a fanny?

Jonny Blair at the vagina rock - it looks like a lady's private parts!!

Admiring Vagina Rock in Danxiashan Mountains in Guangdong, CHINA.

Should You Visit Vagina Rock and Penis Rock?

Yes – DO BOTH. I don’t see the point of going all the way to the remote Danxiashan Mountains in China, and then missing this out. You won’t be here again. Over the course of a weekend, you can do the sunset hike to the Fortress, the sunrise hike to Elder Peak (I’ve yet to write about it) and the two private parts rocks (willy and fanny/penis and vagina/dick and pussy).

Jonny Blair penis rock in Danxiashan Mountains China

The best friend of Vagina Rock is Penis Rock – situated close by on the climb to the fortress!

How much does it cost to see Vagina Rock?

You might think it’s free but it’s not. You need to buy an entry pass for the Danxiashan World Natural Heritage Park. These can be picked up from the entrance and cost 120Y Chinese Yuan/RMB. This covers you for 2 days, ample time to see all the sights and do the hikes.

What else is there to do near Vagina Rock?

Jonny Blair on a boat at Xiang Long Lake near Vagina Rock

Relaxing on a boat at Xiang Long Lake – near Vagina Rock

Take a short river cruise on Xianglong Lake which costs 20Y Chinese Yuan/RMB and takes you back to the main entrance. Apart from that, don’t miss Penis Rock, the sunset hike to the fortress and the sunrise hike to Elder Peak. Once you’ve done all that, you can head back to civilization, and the city of Shaoguan. There are no shortage of options to get you back to the city. Buses run regularly and you can also hire a driver or jump in a shared mini-bus.

Jonny Blair living a lifestyle of travel remotely in Shaoguan China

In the city of Shaoguan, China – the “gateway to Danxiashan”

I should also mention that Vagina Rock is seriously off the beaten track for most travelers. It’s not even referenced (nor are the Danxiashan Mountains) in either the Lonely Planet or Rough Guides. But it’s worth getting to for sure. All this means that speaking, reading and writing Chinese is ideally what you need to be able to see Vagina Rock. There were hundreds of tourists in the region when I visited and NONE of them were foreigners. Keep that in mind, as it may frustrate you if you only speak English – getting to the Danxiashan Mountains and Vagina Rock from the city of Shaoguan might be a tough task! My girlfriend is Chinese so that makes it easier for me. Leave a comment or let me know if I can help you find Vagina Rock! Not totally related but for fun, I posted on ten ways to get sex when you travel!

Nationalities Met – Chinese

My Videos –

Vagina/Fanny Rock, Danxiashan, Guangdong, China:

The Climb to Elder Peak in Danxiashan, Guangdong, China:

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