Hilarious Tube Stations in London, England

Years ago me and my mates used to do pub crawls in London and even in 2014 on my return to London town we did another crawl. It’s a great spot for it. Basically London has pubs on every corner of every street. We worked our way through all the cool pubs crawls over the Read more about Hilarious Tube Stations in London, England[…]

Thirsty Thursdays: Our World Cup Day Out in London, England

It’s been a while since I typed up a thirsty Thursdays and yet I’ve a load of these to get on here, been on a few excellent nights out (and Tequila tastings) in Central America, but today it’s all about my mates and good old London town… It was yet another quick and fast reunion Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Our World Cup Day Out in London, England[…]

neil macey jonny blair london

Thirsty Thursdays: World Cup Day Out in London, England

I have NEVER written a “look into the future” Thirsty Thursdays on here before but the excitement is building up to this one so I thought I’d give it a try today! It’s just a short post as I’m pretty busy the next few weeks. This is going to be the biggest reunion I’ve organised Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: World Cup Day Out in London, England[…]

jerusalem pub crawl abraham hostels

Thirsty Thursdays: Abraham Hostel Pub Crawl in Jerusalem, Israel

It was time for another crazy pub crawl on my travel corridor! I’ve had some crazy ones down the years, notably Buenos Aires, New York, London and Christchurch. But how about a night on the town in Israel’s ice cool capital city. It had to be done and thanks to the awesome guys at the Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Abraham Hostel Pub Crawl in Jerusalem, Israel[…]

cluedo pub crawl manchester

Thirsty Thursdays: The Cluedo Pub Crawl, Manchester and Bury, England

While living in England I used to LOVE my pub crawls. I’ve touched on a few of them before, including the epic 2007 “Countries of the World” pub crawl in London. In 2005, me and three mates also did the Monopoly Pub Crawl (41 bars over 2 days – to be completed within 41 hours!), Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: The Cluedo Pub Crawl, Manchester and Bury, England[…]

The night I got drunk in New York City for $10

The Night I…Got Drunk in New York City for $10

Right it’s back to crazy stories again and just looking back on my travels, the amount of mayhemic stories I have had that have never been aired or seen the light of day is hard to fathom. So here’s another one!! And the rest of them will all be featuring at some point believe me Read more about The Night I…Got Drunk in New York City for $10[…]

Jonny Blair in London's secret bars

Thirsty Thursdays: Secret Bars in London, England

Thirsty Thursdays today on Don’t Stop Living takes us back to the UK. I spent a year living in London in England and have been back countless times since. So here’s a thirsty Thursdays on all those secret bars in London! I bet you didn’t even know there were secret bars in London. This is Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Secret Bars in London, England[…]

Jonny Blair of Dont Stop Living partying in Buenos Aires

Thirsty Thursdays: Buenos Aires Pub Crawl, Argentina

Buenos Aires will never be my favourite city on the planet, but I actually really enjoyed my big night out there so today’s Thirsty Thursdays takes us to the party zone of the Argentinian capital city. A pub crawl of the highest standard with a range of nationalities, languages, drinks, food and pubs. Plus I Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Buenos Aires Pub Crawl, Argentina[…]