How to Get an Iran🇮🇷 Visa in Trabzon, Turkey🇹🇷

trabzon turkey iran visa

My guide to getting an Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey: How to Get an Iran🇮🇷 Visa in Trabzon, Turkey🇹🇷

It’s Visa time again on Don’t Stop Living as I share my expert visa advice from my travels with you. The most recent visa advice is on how to get an Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey. A lot of seasoned travellers have found that Trabzon in Turkey is the easiest, fastest and handiest place to get your Iran Visa, and myself and my girlfriend also got our Iran Visas here in November 2013, so we have to agree. Here’s an overview on how to get an Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey.

bus to trabzon turkey

Hop on a bus to Trabzon in Turkey to get your Iran Visa.

Who Needs A Visa to Visit Iran?

Most nationalities require a visa in advance. It’s up to you to check with your embassy, but an example of nationalities which need a visa in advance are:

Hong Kong, France, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Japan, Canada, Netherlands.

There are a few rare countries that don’t need a visa, and they include: Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Holders of US passports will need a Guided Tour. Holders of Israel passports cannot visit Iran.

Is Visa on Arrival at Tehran International Airport an Option?

Yes, but it’s not that easy. There is the slight option of getting a visa ON ARRIVAL at Tehran International Airport. But even if you get this visa, which is risky, you will only be allowed 14 days in Iran. If you want a longer stay you’ll need to get a visa in advance. I always get my visas in advance for countries. I’d recommend spending at least 21 days in Iran, it’s a big country.

kandovan jonny blair iran

Crossing a bridge at Kandovan in Iran.

The ONE DAY Iran Visa Backpacker Trick in Trabzon, Turkey

While Iran Visas can be got in Istanbul, Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan and Ankara, it’s a nice backpacker trick to note that some nationalities can get a visa issued in ONE DAY in Trabzon, and without an authorisation code. These nationalities include Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Belgium, South Korea, Netherlands, China.

roads in trabzon turkey

Head to Trabzon in Turkey to nab your Iran Visa on the road!

English Speaking/Anglophone Countries Getting an Iran Visa

OK, so if you follow my stories on here you will know I travel on an Irish and a British passport. It’s tricky to get an Iran Visa on a British passport, so I used my Irish one. If you’re from Northern Ireland, you should do the same – take advantage of your dual nationality and nab both passports. However, despite the fact that Trabzon is the easiest place to get the Iran Visa, anglophone/English Speaking countries are the minority of countries that still do need an authorisation code to get an Iran Visa.

northern ireland flag iran

Flying the Northern Ireland flag in Iran – being from Northern Ireland entitles me to a British and an Irish passport. Use your Irish for Iran.

So, in Trabzon, even an Irish passport holder will need an authorisation code in advance. The good news is I’ve written a full guide on how to get an Iran Visa Authorisation Code on here and also that once you get the authorisation code, you can get the visa that day. Yes Irish passport holders can get their Iran Visa in ONE DAY in Trabzon, as long as you have an Authorisation Code in advance.

iran visa trabzon jonny blair

Relaxing in Trabzon with a cheese toastie and some tea, hanging around waiting for the Iran Visa!

Where is the Iran Consulate in Trabzon, Turkey?

The Iranian Consulate is easy to find. In Trabzon, most backpackers will be based in the Meydan Parki/Meydani Square area (there’s a statue of Ataturk there). We stayed at Hotel Benli there. Head underneath the underpass past the area where the mini-buses all come and go and you’ll head up a hill on a road called Taksim Cadessi.

trabzon turkey iran embassy

The Iranian Consulate in Trabzon, Turkey.

turkey trabzon iran visa

Outside the Iran Consulate in Trabzon in Turkey.

On the left is a small park just below you. With a random kids playground.

park at trabzon

Playground near the Iranian Consulate at Taksim Caddesi in Trabzon, Turkey.

Take the first left as you head up the hill and you’ll be on a street called Kizil Toprak Sokak.

iran embassy street address trabzon

Kizil Toprak Sokak street where the Iran Consulate in Trabzon is.

The Iran Consulate with its flag it pretty unmissable – it’s bang in front of you on the corner. The full address is: Iranian Consulate General in Trabzon, Turkey Taksim Caddesi Kiziltoprak Sokak No: 3 Trabzon, Turkey.

iran embassy trabzon turkey

The Iranian Consulate in Trabzon, Turkey is on Kizil Toprak Sokak Street.

Opening Times of the Iran Consulate in Trabzon, Turkey

Obviously these are subject to change but when we went they were open:

Monday to Friday 9 am to 12 noon and 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Saturday and Sunday closed

iran consulate trabzon turkey

Opening hours of the Iran Consulate in Trabzon, Turkey.

Getting an Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey

Like most visa applications in life you should go in as early as possible, so head there just before 9 am. Ring the bell and they’ll let you in. Make sure you have all the documents and things they need in advance. These are:

– Passport (with at least 6 months to run and no evidence of a visa or visit to Israel or Palestine)

– Two passport photos (the application form requests 3, but you only need 2)

– Your Authorisation Code (if you had to get one, like me)

– Details of a hotel/place to stay when in Iran

– Your itinerary or expected cities to visit when in Iran

– Details of your entry point into Iran (most will put Gurbulak to Bazargan)

(I find that bringing a Lonely Planet guide book covers the last three and makes the filling in of the form faster)

– Enough money in Euros to pay for your visa (though payment is NOT made in the consulate itself – you lodge it into the bank)

Once inside they will check your nationalities and passports first of all. Then they take them away and come back with two pieces of paper (this will take longer if you needed an authorisation code – they will go and check the code is valid first):

1. An application form for an Iranian Visa (everyone fills this in)

2. A declaration form for fingerprints (not all nationalities have to do this – my girlfriend from Hong Kong didn’t need a fingerprint copy)

Passport Photos for the Iran Visa

Females will need to wear a head scarf for their passport photo. This is essential. The scarf should cover your hair but leave your face displayed. Common practice -get these done in advance and be ready for it. Always carry passport photos.

My girlfriend had to get one done especially for this visa.

Filling in the Application form for an Iran Visa

This is simple and straight forward – nothing to worry about and should take a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Everything is written in English. Which I found ironic, given that the only countries they make get the authorisation code are the English speaking ones!

They will ask you of your address in Iran, just put the hotel or Guest House you expect to stay the first night when you are there. They will also ask your job title and employers address. Make sure you don’t write anything like “Journalist”, “Church Minister”, “Policeman”, “Government Official” or “Army”. Common sense really! I wrote “teacher” on mine, as my other recent jobs have been travel writing (too similar to journalism) and barman (crazy thing to write when applying for a visa for a country that bans alcohol!).

bazargan iran border

Put the place you will cross the border into Iran, I put Gurbulak to Bazargan.

They will ask you your entry point to Iran. I put Gurbulak to Bazargan, which is the Turkey to Iran border I planned to use to get across. Go with this one – it’s the most obvious.

iran currency

Write down how much money you intend to take into Iran with you – keep it in Euros or US Dollars.

They will ask you how much money you intend to take into Iran. I just put $3,000 US, which is well over the amount you’d ever need for 30 days. I just wanted to be sure I’d get the full amount of days.

They will ask you what countries you have already visited – it makes sense just to list every country that has been stamped in your passport. So that’s what I did. And of course there wasn’t enough room on the solitary line they gave me. I think I had 22 countries on there…

They will ask you what parts of Iran you intend to visit. Just be sensible again and don’t put any dodgy, dangerous or flashpoint zones. Most of the east part is considered off limits to travellers. I put Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz, Persepolis and Tehran. These are prime tourist spots.

on a bus to osku iran

Tell them what parts of Iran you are heading to. Keep it obvious and touristy!

They will ask you how many days you intend to stay in Iran. I put 30 Days as I wanted to have that flexibility. I was granted a 30 Day visa. It seemed to me that the number you put down is the number you get, so aim high and stick down 30 days. If they give you less, the visa can be extended in Iran for a slight cost. Two French guys applied the same day as me and asked for 30 Day Visas, yet they were only granted 21 Day Visas. Make sure you meticulously fill in everything completely and you should get your 30 days.

They didn’t ask for travel insurance documents.

They didn’t ask for a photocopy of my passport.

Filling in the declaration form for fingerprints

Not everyone applying will have to do a fingerprint stamp. Hong Kong is exempt from this and a few other nationalities may be too. The day I went, Japanese, French and Irish all had to do the fingerprint stamps. Fill in the fingerprint form included bizarrely a home phone number and a mobile phone number. Make it up if you are not sure.

fingerprints iran visa

Most nationalities will need to do a fingerprint copy for the Iran Visa.

Then you do a print stamp of all your fingerprints. The ink is quite strong so be prepared for your fingers and thumbs to turn to blue ink! They kindly give you a wet wipe to wash it off.

Once you’ve handed in your two photographs, done your fingerprints, handed in the two forms and your passport, they will give you a small piece of paper. You don’t pay money at all inside the consulate, this piece of paper gives the details of where to pay for your visa. They will tell you to come back at 4.30 pm with the receipt of proof of payment to collect your visa then.

bank deposit trabzon iran visa

They give you a piece of paper with the bank’s name and the bank account on it.

Paying for your Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey

Payment is done by direct lodgement of funds into the bank account of the Iranian Consulate ONLY. To do this you head to the Isbank in central Trabzon. It’s a big branch located on K. Maris Cadessi. The other branches in Trabzon won’t accept it – you have to go to this one.

turkish bank pay for iran visa

The Turkish bank on K. Maris Caddesi, where you need to pay for your Iran Visa in Trabzon.

Take the piece of paper from the Iranian Consulate with you along with your money (in Euros). The money will vary depending on circumstances and nationality. Mine cost 60 Euros with my Irish Passport. My girlfriend’s cost 90 Euros with her Hong Kong Passport. Once inside the bank, line up and get a ticket. Tell the guy at the ticket machine that you are making a deposit and he’ll push the right ticket button for you. They don’t speak great English here, but for sure they are used to hoards of foreigners coming in weekly to lodge payments for their Iran Visas.

deposit for iran visa trabzon

With my ticket in the Bank and my piece of paper with the Iran Consulate’s account details.

Once you’ve got your ticket, you just wait for your number to be called and go up and lodge the payment. You write your name and sign the sheet. They then give you a receipt to prove the payment has been lodged. It is essential to check this piece of paper has the correct bank account on it – the Iranian Consulate name will also appear on the sheet.

confirmation receipt iran visa

The confirmation receipt – almost the golden ticket for your Iran visa!

Payment for the Iran Visa in Trabzon MUST BE in cash and in Euros.

How much does it cost to get an Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey?

There is no single answer to this. The cost varies from case to case. I met people who paid 50, 55, 60, 90, 100, 110 and even 135 Euros for their Iran visa. This is completely dependent on nationality and processing time. One thing is for sure – payment is ONLY accepted in Euros – not in US Dollars or Turkish Lira.

My Visa on an Irish passport cost a total of 110 Euros:

50 Euros to get the Authorisation Code from Touran Zamin

60 Euros to pay for the visa itself in Trabzon

My girlfriend’s Visa on a Hong Kong passport cost a total of 90 Euros:

90 Euros to pay for the visa itself in Trabzon

So bear in mind that the other people you meet on the day will be paying different prices to you. It’s normal.

iran visa bank trabzon

The three pieces of paper that pulled the whole visa application together in the end.

What Day should you go to get your Iran Visa in Trabzon, Turkey?

I recommend doing it on a Tuesday. The reason I suggest Tuesday is that Monday is their busiest day in the Consulate so form filling and finger printing will take longer. Also Monday is a crazy busy day for banks in Turkey and you could be waiting over an hour to deposit the money. Tuesday works well, as if there’s any problems you still have 3 more working days that week to sort the visa out.

iran visa trabzon turkey

Outside the Iran Consulate in Trabzon with my Iran Visa ready to backpack across the border.

What next?

OK so you’ve handed in your application, done your fingerprints, given them your passport and paid for the visa at the bank. All you need to do now is hang around in Trabzon and wait until 4.30 pm when you head to the embassy to collect your visa. Have a Turkish Bath, drink some tea, visit Aya Sofia, Trabzon is a cool city!

jonny blairs dont stop living guide on How to get an Iran Visa in Trabzon Turkey

How to get an Iran Visa in Trabzon Turkey: Success!


I got my Iran Visa and within two days I had crossed the border into Iran at Bazargan for the next adventure.

turkey iran border jonny blair iran

Oh yeah! Arrival into Iran overland from Turkey at the Bazargan border crossing!

Good luck my friends!! It’s worth it for the visa!! I used all 30 days of my visa as I gathered I might never return there. Safe travels.

41 thoughts on “How to Get an Iran🇮🇷 Visa in Trabzon, Turkey🇹🇷

  • Hi I’m from Singapore and i’ve been reading up on getting visas on the same day in Trabzon for a while. I’m unsure if I need to get an authorization code since Singapore’s official language is English, do you know anything about that? Also, I don’t think I’ll have the time to wait around for an authorization code at this point, I’m even contemplating on flying in but that might cost a lot. Any ideas? Thanks in advanced!

  • Thanks for the comment Dara – I met people from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan who all got their Iran Visas in Trabzon ON THE DAY without an Authorisation Code no problem. I didn’t meet anyone from Singapore however so I really don’t know the answer for you. It might be an idea to check blogs and sites of fellow Singaporeans who travel to confirm. Iran is a great country – it’s really worth getting the visa for by the way. Good luck and safe travels. Jonny

  • Hell Mr.Jonny Blair
    i am from india.. i want visit Trabzon ( Stay 7 Day )
    i am Photographer i want taking beautiful place photoshoot.
    with fun…
    i want knowleg from you visa proses
    Paresh Pandya.

  • Hey Jonny,

    Great site and great way of life. Good info on the Iranian visa. I’m Belgian and will be cycling through Iran this year. In your blog you state that Belgians (among others) don’t need an authorisation code to get their visa in Trabzon. Would be great if it is still the case. Where did you find that info or better where can I find the correct and current info on this?

    BTW, You should definetely visit Belgium again. We’ve got much more to offer then traffic jams! Maybe I’ll meet you on the road. in 2014-2015



  • Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for the comment. Trust me with this one – as of today (april 2014) you can go to Trabzon in Turkey and get issued with an Iran visa on the spot on a Belgium passport. There is no up to date information anywhere on it – but I know it’s true. Belgium, France and Germany are 3 of the many countries that can do this. I’m Irish and British so I can’t as they are anglophone countries. So head to Trabzon and apply for a one month visa. No other city in the world other than Trabzon will issue a visa on the day without the Authorisation Code. You’ll get it. Believe it.

    I will be in Belgium again – it’s one of the countries on my list I haven’t “really travelled” to. I’ve mates there to meet as well.

    Safe travels. Jonny

  • Hi Jonny

    Great write up on getting Iranian visa, that is a very tricky one to get. Thanks very much for that information! I’m a British national and aiming to cross into Iran via Turkey by bicycle, and through the other side to Turkmenistan. I understand that you can get the authorization code wherever in Turkey (I will use the agency you suggested!), but what are the options for where the visa is picked up? Would be very grateful to know the other places apart from Trabzon.



  • Hi Nick! Thanks for the comment. As detailed in this post and the one on getting the Authorisation Code, you apply ONLINE for the Authorisation code through Touran Zamin. Then you collect the visa in Trabzon. I don’t really recommend collecting the visa anywhere else to be honest – all the backpackers and cyclists I met got theirs in Trabzon – it’s the closest Turkish city to the Iran border that issues and hands out visas. If you are against Trabzon, then Ankara, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Baku and Istanbul are other options, but I have no experience of them. I got mine in Trabzon and encourage everyone else to do the same. Safe travels and good luck. Jonny

  • Hello mate! As i saw it’s a bit of an issue if you’re something like a journalist, I want to ask if you think should be any problem with the visa application, in case I have a personal website (blog). From what I’ve noticed, the ones in charge with the visa will google you, so I want to avoid any unpleasant situations.

  • Hi Nicu, yes as I mentioned in my posts, DO NOT put that you are a journalist or writer. I put school teacher as you can see in the post here: Just follow these steps and you’ll be fine. If you’ve been to Israel before, you’ll probably want to delete any blog or google references with your name and Israel together. It’s a very serious issue. Good luck! Jonny

  • Hi travelers !

    Thanks Jonny to share all. Me and my partner were in Trabzon to get iranian visa. It still easy to get it here. I’m french she is portuguese. We don’t need loi letter of invitation. It took 5 hours. In istanbul we ask the same it was 1 month to deliver it and we need both the loi.

    Take care

  • Thank you for all this helpful information. I’m from Finland and I’m looking for the best way to get the Iran visa. It seems that the best solution is to do it in Trabzon. Is the point of entry and exit written in visa? I was thinking to write Turkey for both, but I will try to travel to Pakistan through Iran.

  • Hi Markus – my advice would be to get the visa in Iran, write 30 days needed on it, and say entrance and exit is to Turkey. Once you get into Iran, you can change your mind and leave to Pakistan or India, as long as you have a visa sorted for those countries. Safe travels. Jonny

  • Hi again,
    So Monday 27.10.2014 İ went to the consulate. İt was a good idea to go enough early. I was about 40 minutes beforehand. There were quite a lot of people. At 9 they took first 6 persons inside and other people had to wait. I was one of those 6. Two pictures, passport and fill in the application form. No fıngerprints from me.

    The woman in the consulate was very unpolite and unprofessional. İn the vısa from they didn t ask places İ ıntend to visit ın İran, but there was stıll the address in İran. For the address İ put a hotel address with the phone number (İ don t have reservation) but other people just put a name of any town and it was ok.

    İt wasn t possible to get the visa in the same day and that was the same for everybody. For a german guy and some others the woman gave a time when to come, next day 16:30. At least for me and for some French she gave the embassy phone number where to call next day afternoon.

    We went to the bank. Once ın Maydan Alanı it s the maın street in left side and maybe about 500 meters. I waited about one hour, whıch is maybe not bad for a monday. İ had prepared the euros. One japanese guy had also, but he had to pass ın change offıce anyway, because hıs 10 euros bılls were the new ones, whıch they cannot accept ın the bank. There are at least 2 change offıces ın the same street before the bank. They have a machine in the bank which doesn t accept new bills they explained.

    It s ımportant to have the receipt. One guy changed liras and paid the fee. He got the receipt for the changed and believed to have the correct receipt. He couldn t get the visa, so he wıll pass in the bank again. The fee was 75 euros for Finland and Germany at least.

    The next day, Tuesday afternoon, I called the embassy. They told to come 16:30, like they asked some people already to come. So we were all there at 16:30. Everybody got his visa except the dude who didn t have a correct receipt, he will pass again. We got 30 days which can be used during 3 months.

  • Hi and thanks for all the Infos!
    We were at the Embassy in Trabzon on Thursday and were told that it is not possible to get a Visa without LOI. We both have German Passports. Did anyone with a German Passport get a Iran Visa in Trabzon without an LOI recently? Maybe we will just try again on Wednesday morning (Monday and Tuesday are iranian Holidays).

    Eva & David

  • Hi Eva and David thanks for the comment – I hope you got everything you needed and can get your visa. I’m sure there will be Germans who got one recently, but I’ve not been in the Middle East since January so haven’t come across them personally. Good luck and safe travels, you will love Iran. Jonny

  • Hi!
    I was in Trabzon not long time ago, Monday 27.10.2014. You can read my experience in this site. I just notice that there were Germans and other Europeans at the same time and they didn’t need LOI. Maybe the rules are changing or maybe for some reason they do it more difficult for David and Eva, I don’t know.

  • My frıend… I thınk you should more carefull wıth the ınformatıon you post about gettıng the Iranıan vısa ın Trabzon! Is not that easy as your wrıte here and that ıs mısleadıng many travellers. Personal experıence, once Im here ın Trabzon for nearly 2 weeks because the embassy ıs not makıng ıt easy…and more other people were/are havıng some troubles!!

    Take care
    Safe Journeys

  • Hi Jack, thanks for the update – you’ll need to get your Authorisation code in advance like I mentioned ( ) basically Trabzon is the easiest place on the planet to get the Iran visa, hang in there and you’ll get it. It’s a lot faster than in Yerevan, Ankara and Baku. Safe travels. Jonny

  • Hi Jude. I am a dual national – equally Irish and British so I always carry both passports on me. I didn’t do anything different, I carry both every day on my journey unless they are in an Embassy getting visas. Safe travels. Jonny

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