naked backpacking

Top 5 Places to get Naked Around the World

We are born naked. Somewhere along the way some bright spark invented clothes and decided we should cover up. Possibly to cope with cold weather, possibly to keep clean, possibly to protect ourselves or possibly shame at showing our so called “private bits” to others. Sod that, I went backpacking around the world getting naked Read more about Top 5 Places to get Naked Around the World[…]

you wont find a polar bear in antarctica

10 Things You WON’T find in Antarctica

I mention Antarctica quite a lot on here, mostly because it’s by far the most incredible place I have ever been. I loved the peace and tranquility of it, the fact there are no offices, no murders etc. So here is a list of 10 things you WON’T find in Antarctica! In case you wondered… Read more about 10 Things You WON’T find in Antarctica[…]

How to get to Antarctica for cheap

How To Book A Cheap Trip to Antarctica!

This post has been a while in coming believe me and I’m about to reveal the cheapest way for a traveller or a backpacker to get to Antarctica without working on a ship or working in Antarctica. This is how to book a cheap trip to Antarctica as a traveller and backpacker. You can do it, and Read more about How To Book A Cheap Trip to Antarctica![…]

Crossing the Drake Passage to Antarctica

World Borders: Crossing The Drake Passage from Argentina to Antarctica

This latest post in my series of World Borders is WITHOUT doubt the best border I have crossed in my travel repertoire. It is the longest ever border crossing I have done between two countries (yes, MUCH longer than flights), the most exciting and the most inspiring. This my friends is the “dreaded drake”, it’s Read more about World Borders: Crossing The Drake Passage from Argentina to Antarctica[…]

drinking beer in Antarctica

Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking in Antarctica – Top 6 Places For a Beer

I was thinking about my Antarctica trip recently, and how I managed to drink in 4 different places on the trip (OK I’m cheating as three of them were onboard the boat!!!). But I thought I’d give all you Antarctic bound travellers some tips on how you can drink in Antarctica, yes there is even Read more about Thirsty Thursdays: Drinking in Antarctica – Top 6 Places For a Beer[…]

The Day I…Got Naked in Antarctica!! (X-Rated)

I have been asked a few times “What is your most crazy or outrageous travel story?” and to be honest there are a few contenders, however being naked in the waters of Antarctica has to be pretty nuts, right? So have you ever gone for a swim in the Antarctic Ocean? I have, and I Read more about The Day I…Got Naked in Antarctica!! (X-Rated)[…]

backpacking in antarctica

How to Backpack Your Way to Antarctica!

Backpacking your way to Antarctica?? Are you serious? Yes! Antarctica is without doubt the most amazing place I have travelled to, to date. It really is like another world and anyone who has been there will agree with me. It’s a white continent of superlatives, it’s magical! But can you do it on a backpacker Read more about How to Backpack Your Way to Antarctica![…]