Backpacking in Adammia: Top 5 Wacky Moments in This Secret Unknown Country

Backpacking in Adammia: Top 5 Wacky Moments

Backpacking in Adammia: Top 5 Wacky Moments

On my recent trip across the border from England into the secretive Empire of Adammia, I had a lot of fun. It was a crazy trip to this secret and unknown country and indeed I was the first ever backpacking tourist to visit Adammia. I visited three parts of the country – Tytannia Province (which houses the capital, the Imperial City), Maternia Province and the Jagstonian Plains territory.

Backpacking in Adammia

Backpacking in Adammia

When you visit these off the wall countries, you end up getting much more inspired than you would on a trip to boring, over hyped cities like Paris, Bangkok and Dublin. Adammia is certainly an off the wall spot. On my trip there were a load of wacky things to see and do, so here is a quick top five crazy moments, from the micronation, the Empire of Adammia.

Adammia Flag

The official flag of the Empire of Adammia

1.Collecting the Prime Minister in Maternia Province
My first stop in the Empire of Adammia was collecting the Prime Minister from her province, Maternia. I was with Emperor Adam and in one of the Adammian owned cars and we met up with the Prime Minister, HIH Emperor Jayne Belcher in her Province of the country. We also picked up Billy, one of the country’s dogs.

Imperial Highness and Prime Minister of the Empire of Adammia

Imperial Highness and Prime Minister of the Empire of Adammia

2.Attending the Andromeda 4 Flight Launch at Jagstonian Plains
I never ever expected to be in a secret country spectating a rocket launch, but there I was. The Adammic Imperial family escorted me to their territory the Jagstonian Plains to witness the Andromeda 4 Flight Launch, which was reported in the local news.

Getting ready for the rocket launch

Getting ready for the rocket launch

At Jagstonian Plains for the rocket launch

At Jagstonian Plains for the rocket launch

Despite a few attempts to launch the rocket, the mission was aborted due to a technical fault. But this took nothing away from the experience and the Emperor shared a video of the previous successful launch with me and here it is:

3.Witnessing the Quad Copter Flight in the Imperial City, Tytannia Province
On my trip backpacking through the capital city of Adammia, I witnessed an official quad copter flight. Again this came as a complete surprise. Emperor Adam took control of the quadcopter and launched it inside the grounds of the Imperial City. It was a rousing success, here is an exclusive touristic video from the flight:

The Adammic quad copter

The Adammic quad copter

4.Multiple Wine Tastings at Capital Brewery, Tytannia Province
When I was told that a country this size and this secret had its own brewery, I was totally intrigued and it was high on my hit list to try the local wines and beers. During my visit there was no Adammic Beer available, but they had two local brands of wine. This is the smallest country from my travels that has produced its own alcohol. The wine was excellent, comes in a red or white and I covered the drinking in Adammia experience in a separate article.

Drinking wine in the Capital Brewery in the Tytannia Province

Drinking wine in the Capital Brewery in the Tytannia Province

5.Becoming a Sir – Being Knighted in the Empire of Adammia
I purchased the Adammic newspaper and some local stamps and was getting ready to leave the country and head back to England. It was at this point that the Emperor had a surprise for me. I was being knighted for becoming the first backpacking tourist to visit his nation. I was overwhelmed to become a Sir. Having already become the overseas Consul General for the Empire of Austenasia for those in Nothern Ireland, this was another highlight. So you can call me Sir Jonny Blair, but only in Adammia.

I am Sir Jonny Blair! But only in the Empire of Adammia.

I am Sir Jonny Blair! But only in the Empire of Adammia.

Overall, this is a completely wacky and zany country and I am so delighted to have visited and to be knighted by this place.

Posing proudly by the Empire of Adammia flag - Sir Jonny Blair

Posing proudly by the Empire of Adammia flag – Sir Jonny Blair

Contacting the Empire of Adammia
The government of the Empire of Adammia can be contacted in a few ways.
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Empire of Adammia Facebook
Emperor Adam on Skype: abanimationltd
National Newspaper: Adammic Express
YouTube: Adammic Online Television Channel
Twitter: Empire of Adammia

Thanks to Emperor Adam I and the government of the Empire of Adammia for hosting me on this visit. Here are some videos from my time in the Empire of Adammia:

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