January 18, 2013

A Lifestyle of Travelโ›ฒโ›ฝ๐Ÿšƒ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿššโœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ

“You turn around and life’s passed you by” – Doves.

Jonny Blair of Don't Stop Living lives a lifestyle of travel

Don’t Stop Living – a lifestyle of travel.

Welcome to Don’t Stop Living, thanks for your visit. I’m Jonny Blair and this is my website. Don’t Stop Living is condemned to a lifestyle of travel. I’ve managed to live a lifestyle of travel away from my homeland of Northern Ireland since 2003, though I didn’t start this blog until 2007. I have written and released ten printed books so far on my travels, as well as over 5,000 blog posts on this site and other sites. Through it, I want to tell my real story of ups and downs and meet a lot of people from different cultures around the world. Read on if you want to see the world…

Jonny Blair taking a photo in Shanghai, CHINA. He lives a lifestyle of travel.

Taking a photo in Shanghai heaped with my backpacks – the joys of a lifestyle of travel!!

So where do you start?? This page features the best posts from the archive on how you can live a lifestyle of travel like mine. Escape your mundane home towns and see the world. Don’t stop living! I really hope you can all take some encouragement from me and get out and see a bit of the world.

Backpacking Slemish Mountain, Northern Ireland

I want toย shareย my amazing experiences from my travels and prove that YOU CAN DO IT, if you are reading this, I want you to get out there and see the world. Just to give you an idea about my lifestyle of travel, since leaving Northern Ireland in 2003 I have:

backpack iraq

Backpacking in Irbil, Kurdistan, Iraq.

– Backpacked in Iraq
– Watched the greatest show on earth – the Mass Games in Pyongyang, North Korea
– Climbed to the peak of Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia (20th highest mountain in the world)
– Celebrated visiting 100 countries (Tunisia completed the century)
– Become the first tourist to backpack in Austenasia
– Worked in Poland as a teacher, writer and itinerary planner.
– Kissed giraffes in Kenya
– Done a quad tour in The Azores

Jonny Blair lives a lifestyle of travel - he worked on the world's first broccoli harvester

One of life’s better jobs – working on the world’s first broccoli harvester in Cressy, Tasmania.

–ย Worked inย PR for Apple
– Visited the stadium where Diego Maradona did the Hand of God
Spent Christmas morning at Machu Picchu
– Milked cows in Colombia
– Attended the World Cup Final in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– Got drunk with International Footballers
– Crossed the border into North Korea
– Met Roger Federer
– Worked in an Irish Pub in 3 different continents
– Witnessed a live fireball fight in El Salvador
– Released an eBook dating back to my first travel journeyย in 1991

Jonny Blair at the top of Cuverville in Antarctica in 2010 living his travel dreams

In 2010 I arrived in ANTARCTICA. What a life…

– Had my own FM Radio show
– Crossed the equator by foot
– Visited the British Base at Port Lockroy in Antarctica
– Ridden on the world’s longest train – Choum to Nouadihbou in Mauritania
– Been chairman of a highly successful football supporters club
– Got paid to travel
Toured Rural Kyrgyzstan
Stayed in a Kibbutz in Mizra, Israel
Lived with a Chinese family in Lam Tin, Hong Kong
– Flown myย travelling Northern Irelandย flag in over 1,000 locations spanning 7 continents
– Worked on the world’s first ever broccoli harvester in Tasmania
Got spanked in Lviv, Ukraine
– I’m a published author, I have 10 printed books out. As well as my own websites and e-Books, I have written a chapter on Belarus for Shaun Schofield’s Book Albania to America, in 2010. I contributed to a book on the Green and White Army in 2008 and I have contributed to eBooks from Next Stop Who Knows and Crossing Borders in South America.

Jonny Blair crossing the border into North Korea in 2011 0 a lifestyle of travel

Crossing the border into North Korea at the DMZ in 2011.

A few of my slightlyย crazy or wacky travel stories:

– The Day my best mate got expelled for nicking the exam paper
– The Day I got sacked by putting the interest rates up
– My Colombian mate who swapped his camera for a cow
– The Day I did a shit in a broccoli field
– The Day I smuggled drugs through Argentina
Showing my willy to Germans in Munich
Bungy jumping in Auckland
– Playing football in Afghanistan
– Buying booze in a death pelanty state
– Sky divingย over Lake Taupo in New Zealand
– White water rafting in the mountains of Brazil at Juquitiba
– 10 Ways to get Sex When you Travel
Nicky Barmby
The Grodig Story
– Getting locked in a bus for a night in Australia

Jonny Blair white water rafting in Brazil - a lifestyle of travel

I went white water rafting in BRAZIl at Juquitiba!

These are my Regular Features on Don’t Stop Living which are updated regularly!

Monday’s Money Saving Tips
Tuesday’s Travel Essentials
Working Wednesdays
Thirsty Thursdays
Friday’s Featured Food
– World Borders
– Travel Collectables
– Random Rants
– Sunday’s Inspiration
– World Travellers
– Backpacking Buddies
– My Visa Tips
Accommodation Reviews

There’s also my own Travel Timeline from the last 12 years which gives a rundown of where I lived, worked, travelled and studied each year. Aside from this, there is also the option of making money from your travel blog

So I really hope you can feel encouraged or inspired to get out and see the world. Like I said before, I’m just a normal guy from the seaside city of Bangor in Northern Ireland living my travel dreams and seeing the world while I can.

So there’s is nothing stopping you from living a lifestyle of travel!! Get out and see the world!!

Jonny Blair

jonny at dontstopliving dot net

My Book Anthology

Buy myย Backpacking Centurion bookย series โ€“
Volume 1 โ€“ย Donโ€™t Look Back In Bangor
Volume 2 โ€“ย Lands Down Under
Volume 3 โ€“ย Taints And Honours
Volume 4 โ€“ย The Black Volume
Buy my This Is The Next Century Series โ€“
Volume 1 โ€“ย Aftershot
Volume 2 โ€“ย Starogard Girl
Volume 3 โ€“ Fool Circle
Volume 4 โ€“ The Darker Volume
By my book onย Supporting The Northern Ireland International Football Team โ€“ Champian Stewartnova
Buy my story on How A Northern Irishman Ended Up In Poland โ€“ย I Went To Gdansk With Somebody
Buy myย First Ever Travel Blog
Buy myย Guide to Hiking the Inca Trail in Peru
My travelling Northern Ireland flag website โ€“ย http://www.travellingnorthernirelandflag.com/

My Social Media

– Like Don’t Stop Living on Facebook
– Follow me on Instagram
– Subscribe toย Don’t Stop Livingย videos on YouTube
StumbleUpon Don’t Stop Living
– Follow Don’t Stop Living on Twitter
– Follow Don’t Stop Living on TikTok

Jonny Blair backpacking the Upper Trail Hike - Yunnan - China

Backpacking the Upper Trail Hike – Yunnan – China

49 thoughts on “A Lifestyle of Travelโ›ฒโ›ฝ๐Ÿšƒ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿššโœˆ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ

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